Part 3

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Jimin's POV

"Your baby is growing healthily, Mr. Park" the doctor who was assigned to check on me smiled making me huffed out a breath of relief, and I smiled back at him.

"I'm feeling a lot better now too, doctor. Does this means that I can get back to office now?" Recorfirming with the doctor since Yoongi told me to, I did feel well enough, not feeling the need to puke every few hours like the previous few weeks.

"From what you've updated me, I don't think there'll be any problem. You'll be able to go to work as usual by next week," he smiled telling me the news and after checking my chart, and I felt my mood being lifted up a little at the thought of meeting my colleagues again.

Jungkook would be there too and of course, I'd be hurt when I saw him, but there are a lot of others who were dear to me in the office. My ex husband wasn't the only one in the company that I worked with.

Hoseok was there too.

My teammates were there too.

They were kind and affectionate people, who genuinely passionate in doing their job properly, and I did miss being in that kind of productive environment where everyone was so productive and helpful throughout the day.

"Thank you," smiling to the handsome doctor, I jumped a little when my phone buzzed.

"Yoongi hyung?" Answering the call and bowing a little to apologize to the kind doctor who just smiled and let me speak into the phone, I wondered what made Yoongi called me.

"Have you finished your appointment?" He asked straight, and I looked to the doctor before giving me my answer.

"I'm just talking a bit with Dr. Kim, but I'm finishing. Why, hyung?" The doctor nodded wordlessly at my words, agreeing that our session was ending, and I focused back on the call.

"Oh, Hoseok came too and we're at the cafe. Come here after you finish, Hoseok will bring you home,"

"Oh, alright. See you, hyung" hanging up the call and quickly put the phone down, the doctor whose his name was as pretty as he was just smiled beautifully, not minding the short break.

Dr. Kim Seokjin.

He's so pretty.

And to think that someone so pretty like this was even intelligent enough to be a doctor, while being this kind and understanding with his patient, he was close to perfect.

"Sorry about that, doctor" still, even how enchanted I was with his beauty, I was afraid that I had wasted a few minutes of his precious time, so I apologized.

"It's okay, if you don't mind me asking, is that Dr. Min Yoongi you talk to just now?" He looked interested at the mention of Yoongi's name, and I smiled while giving a nod to his answer.

"Yes. You know him, doctor?"

"Of course, he's a well known surgeon in our hospital, but he's been my junior since high school. He never told me he had a cute friend coming here for check up today," he smiled telling info about Yoongi, and I scratched the back of my head at his second sentence.

"Uh, I knew him only recently actually. He's a friend of my friend," thinking of Hoseok and Yoongi, I wondered how the two met too.

I never heard of Yoongi from Hoseok too, thus it was surprising to me when he suddenly said he had a friend who was a doctor in our panel hospital.

"I see, nice meeting you. I'm guessing we'll meet a lot more in the future," Seokjin smiled before letting me know that I was free to leave, thus I took my leave without hesitant, knowing that he'd still have a long list of patients to check upon after me.

Making my way to the cafe, I saw the two friends relaxing. Hoseok was looking around observing people with a small smile on his face, while Yoongi just scrolled through his phone while enjoying his coffee while he can.

"Oh, Jiminie!" Hoseok waved enthusiastically as soon as he saw me, and I laughed, taking faster steps towards them, my pace not really affected by the pregnancy yet.

Being in my fourth month, I didn't show much changes on the outside due to me usually wearing oversized clothings, but I thought of purchasing new vests and cardigans later, to be worn when I got back into the office.

"How was it?" He offered me a glass of juice since I was told not to consume too much caffeine, and I thanked him as I took my seat.

"Dr. Kim said that I'd be able to work in the office again next week," telling Hoseok the news, his face lit up, excited to hear the news as well.

"That's great! Everyone in our team misses you a lot," he showed his pearly white teeth as he quickly fished out his phone from his jacket, and I just chuckled looking at him typing in the news into our department's group chat.

"Oh, Yoongi hyung. Do you know Dr. Kim Seokjin?" Turning my attention to Yoongi who had looked up after hearing his name being called, he blinked a few times as he was probably thinking as of how I knew the name I just mentioned.

"Oh, so he's your doctor?" He answered as soon as the info clicked in his head, and I smiled while nodding my head.

"Yes, he said that you're his junior since high school," taking another sip of the juice, Yoongi nodded back, but his eyes were unfocused, telling us that he was thinking of something.

"He was, then this makes everything easier. If you feel sick, just tell me. I'll call him to come to our house immediately," he suddenly snapped his head up and directly looked into my eyes, and I was a little flustered at what he said.

"What, no hyung. Don't do that to him, Dr. Kim is already busy as it is,"

"Nah, he sometimes visits me when he's on his day off, I can just tell him that you're my housemate now. He'd be happy to visit even more frequently later,"

"Wow, hyung. I never knew you'd let Jin hyung into your house voluntarily like this. As expected! Anyone can change and do anything for Jiminie and baby!" Hoseok suddenly chirped in, and I widened my eyes at how casual he addressed my doctor.

"Hyung, you know Dr. Kim too?"

"Of course, he's somehow my senior too, since we're from the same university"

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