Part 9

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*door creaks open*


Yeah, Ms. Secretary? What are you doing here?

Can I speak to you for a moment?

Uh, if you want to make a comeback, I'm afraid I can't do that.

I know. I just need to justify myself to the readers.

Oh, okay. Have a seat and tell me. I'll do my best to let them know.

Okay, so first.

It is not my intention to come in between Mr. Park and Mr. Jeon.

At all.

I was just doing my job as a secretary, and I know I looked cool and stuff, but I didn't know that my coolness will attract Mr. Jeon.


He started by suddenly showing more interest in me some day, I don't remember exactly when.

But it was probably when he asked me to get dinner together when we were working overtime.

At that time, we were really overloaded with work, so when he offered dinner, I think of nothing other than free food.

Because I was starving at that moment, it already passed dinner time!

If he didn't offer to buy me dinner, I would've asked him if he'd want to get food delivered to us too, because damn, the job in this company is never reducing.

I almost bought the sleeping bag used for camping to sleep here because of how thick were the piles of papers on my desk.

Okay, you're rambling.

Oh, sorry.

So, the next few weeks were also like that, but one day, he suddenly said he liked me.

I was like, what?!

'But you have a husband, what about him?' I asked him direct.

And he just said, 'I'll tell him the truth'.

The truth of what?!

There's nothing between us!

And before I could even processed anything, he came up to me again one day, saying that they were going to get divorce.

I mean, is this all because of me?

But I did nothing though?

I just eat and work, like any normal employee would.

So, to console myself, I thought, maybe because they were already facing some issues with their marriage that made Mr. Jeon took this issue this far.

Thus, I said nothing.

I asked nothing.

Maybe that was my fault.

If I were to ask and say something before the divorce happen, probably things won't be that bad between Mr Jeon and Mr Park.

I'm not someone who knew them personally, I was here after they were married, and I tried not to be a gossiper much in the company, knowing how dangerous rumors were.

I tried not to get involve, but I guessed that's wrong of me too.

When I was actually already in the center of the problem.

And when I heard that they really got divorced, it felt something was weighing my shoulders down.

Maybe unconsciously, I already know that everything that happened was because of my silence, but I kept quiet, fearing that if I voiced out then, Mr Jeon will realize his mistake and put the blame on me.

Because I voiced out after their separation happened.

So I chose to keep quiet.

To keep my job.

But day by day, it was not fun going to work anymore.

My shoulders felt heavier, and only heavier.

It felt the heaviest when I saw how Mr Jeon's eyes still sparkled when he saw the beautifully pregnant Mr. Park at the café.

I was devastated.

It was hard to breath.

Even though no one said anything, not even Mr. Kim who came to visit Mr Jeon right after the meeting with Mr Park at the café, I felt restless.

I knew that they were talking about me.

And it made me feel guiltier whenever I thought of Mr Park.

That day I received the offer letter to go to our oversea office just a few days before the company's field day, suddenly I felt a surge of courage coursing through my whole body.

Maybe this is the sign for me to do something.

I knew I had to do something.

Even if Mr Jeon were to fire me, I don't care.

So, I did what I had to do.

I told him to stop.

And when I peeked into his face that night we had a talk, I was glad he didn't look that miserable anymore.

What he felt for me was not actually love, he knew that.

His love was always with Mr Park, and he knew that as well.

I was just some distraction that was suddenly in his life, and I will carry the guilt of not doing anything to mend the relationship between the two person I respected a lot for the rest of my life.

I wanted the readers to know that.

That's all.

I'm not a bad person.

I don't even have a name.

I'm just a secretary.


(a/n: don't hate her too much, please? 💜)

Edit: Oh, and I think I need to clarify again.

Jungkook didn't cheat on Jimin.

The reason he decided to go for the divorce was because he was starting to catch feels with le secretary.

He didn't want to lie to Jimin.

He didn't want to like someone else when he was in relationship either.

They didn't do anything dirty behind Jimin, like the secretary said, they were just working together, and eat dinner together.

That's it.

Jungkook didn't mean to be that dumb, but he's just dumb.

But not a cheater.

I believe Jimin also mentioned it in the first chapter, that he was glad that Jungkook didn't cheat and was honest with him.

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