Part 13

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Jimin’s POV

"Mama, can we go office? Minnie want to see Uncle Taetae," my two years old boy tried acting all cute to come with me to the office, and I knew why he liked going there.

He's treated like a superstar at the office.

All the employees were head over heels for the boy, due to his chatty mouth and cute smiles.

I also knew that Seokjin was the one who taught him to give the flying kisses, saying nonsense to the little boy about something related to 'it's important to give fan services' and all.

Not to mention that Jungkook sometimes brought the boy to his office as well, and made Jungmin's existence even more known to a lot of people in the company.

"Mamaaa, can Minnie go, please?"

"Will you promise me that you won't cause trouble in papa's office again?" I asked, squinting my eyes a little to the boy, and he quickly brought out his pinky finger to me.

"Minnie promise, mama. Please?" he pouted cute, resting his chin on my chest as he lied on top of me on the bed, both of us just woke up from sleep.

He already knew that Jungkook was his father, but never questioned why we didn't live together yet.

I have thought of ways as of how to tell him if he did ask one day, but still haven't come out with a solid answer.

"Okay, baby. Mama will bring you as long as you promise to behave,"

"Yeay! Let's go shower, mama!" the boy quickly stood up and started to jump on the bed, and I chuckled at his excitement.

"Are you that excited?" sitting up and stretching my limbs, the boy kept on jumping that I was suddenly worried when he was getting closer to the edge of the bed.

"Yes!" the boy cackled without worry and I tried to make him to stop, feeling uneasy.

"Careful, Jungmin"

Getting up and wanting to take his hand to pull him further from the edge, my hand reached nothing when Jungmin's leg had slipped off the bed and he fell with a thud.

"Jungmin!! Oh my gosh, my baby!" scrambling off the bed, I got to my baby instantly and cradled the crying boy.

"Mama, it hurts!!" he cried louder holding his hand and I felt panic all over, feeling tears pooled my own eyes.

We had moved out from Yoongi's house and got our own apartment a few months ago, and now, I didn't know what to do.

"My baby, mama's so sorry. I'm so sorry, baby. Please hold on, we'll get to the hospital soon," scurrying off finding my car keys and wallet, I carried Jungmin carefully not to touch his wrist that had started to swell, and did my best to get to the car as fast as I could.

Controlling my trembling hands as I drove, Jungmin was crying through the whole ride as he whined about his wrist, and I was getting worried by the second.

Don't cry, Jimin.

Don't cry in front of Jungmin.

Jungmin needs strength from you.

Holding in the tears until I reached the hospital, I quickly brought Jungmin to the emergency area, and asked for the nurse to check upon my son.

It was early in the morning thus not really many patients were there, so the whole procedure was going quite smoothly.

"Mama, Minnie hurt," I was allowed to stay by my baby's side the whole time since it wasn't that serious, and the doctor informed that there was only a small fracture that would take a few weeks to heal.

"I know, baby. I'm so sorry, Jungminie" feeling that I was finally able to breath again after hearing the news, only then I realized that my phone had buzzed numerous times.

"Tae?" answering the call, Taehyung's cheerful voice greeted me, making me look at the time.

It's almost the start of working hour.

"Where you at? I miss Jungmin," he asked, and I glanced at Jungmin who was currently playing with a nurse who was tending to his hand.

He was told to be monitored not to move his hand around until it was casted, thus that's why the nurse was there.

"We're at the hospital,"

"Why? What happened?!"

"Jungmin fell off the bed this morning and got a little fracture on his wrist,"

"Do you want me to come?"

"No need, Tae. He'll be discharged after the doctor put a cast on his wrist,"

"If you need anything just tell me, okay? I'll inform this to Hobi hyung,"

"Thanks, Tae"

Hanging up the call, I gave my attention to Jungmin the whole time after that.

And after Jungmin's hand was finally casted, the nurse told that I should go register Jungmin's details and all that while she'll be there to look after Jungmin for me.

Thanking her kindness, I made my way to the counter to settle the payment and everything, only to bump into Jungkook who looked like he ran to the hospital.

Hoseok or Taehyung must've told him the news.

Feeling my breathing ragged as soon as I saw his face, Jungkook took fast steps towards me and pulled me into his embrace immediately, knowing well I was finally breaking down after all the nervousness were let loose.

Burying my face into his chest, I sobbed hard while Jungkook just held me tight, rubbing my back, whispering comforting words until I calmed down.

"He fell right in front of me. I didn't know what to do, but I - I can't cry in front of my baby," telling what happen in the midst of crying my heart out, Jungkook hugged me tighter hearing me out.

"It's okay. You've done so well, Jimin. I'm proud of you,"

"I was shaking the entire time, Jungmin was crying for the whole ride, Kookie," sobbing out more of the situation earlier, I felt him kissing the crown of my head before softly letting me go.

"I'll settle the bills and everything, okay? You need to calm down and stop your tears, Jimin. Jungmin will notice if you cry more," he softly seated me at one of the empty benches along the hallway, and I just nodded, trying to stop my sob.

"Have you two eaten?" he asked, pulling me to rest my head on his chest as he pulled me into a side hug after sitting beside me.

"Jungmin got a few pastries from the nurses earlier," I sniffed, using Jungkook's handkerchief to wipe my snot mercilessly, not caring how expensive that little fabric was.

"What about you?" Jungkook tilted his head to look down at me, and I shook my head as answer, still holding his handkerchief on my nose.

He smiled a little wiping the tear at the edge of my eye, and I felt like crying all over again at his tender touch.

"I'll go get something for you two, just wait here for a second. I won't be gone for long,"

"Kookie..." he tried to stand up but paused when I called him out, and Jungkook's face frowned when another tear slipped down to my cheek.

"Hey, it's okay, baby. You've done great, accidents can happen anywhere to any of us. It's just that Jungmin happen to be the one who got into it this time,"

"I feel so bad for Jungminie," sobbing a little more, Jungkook pulled me into another hug to calm me once again.

"He's okay, he's strong. Just like you. Be strong for him, okay? Don't cry, baby" wiping my tears with his thumbs again, Jungkook's endearment towards me didn't go unnoticed, and it brought a little flutter to my heart looking at him acting like this.

He smiled before leaving me for a short while, came back bringing food as he promised, and stayed by our side the whole day, tending to every little of Jungmin's need that day.

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