Part 15

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Jimin’s POV

"Papa, quick! I want to play in the water!"

"Slow down, sweetheart. You're going to fall - Jungmin!" my heart skipped a beat when the boy fell onto the sand just as I warned him, and I almost ran up to him but stopped when he stood back up by himself right after.

"I'm okay!" he held up the okay sign with his both hands and waved it to my direction, and I sighed long.

"Oh my goodness this boy," rubbing my chest due to the boy's reckless behavior, Jungkook came to my side with the bags we brought for the picnic.

"I'll follow him, don't worry" he told, making me looked up to him who looked all calm and not a worrywart about our son like me, and I flashed a smile of gratitude to him.

"Thank you,"

Jungkook smiled handsomely before he suddenly attacked my eyes in a swift movement as he slipped his shirt off his body, and I felt my heart racing at how godly he looked in his swimming trunks.

My goodness gracious, those muscles.

Flustered, I turned my face away from staring at the alpha and focused on my son instead, although the sound of thumps of my heart was almost reaching my ear.

Thankfully Jungkook didn't do anything else after that, and went to catch Jungmin before the four years old boy went too far.

I proceeded burying my burning face into my knees as soon as I saw my son safely being caught by the alpha.

I'll die of heart attack sooner or later.

If it's not because of Jungmin, it would be caused by Jungkook.

What did he think of while showing his body to me like that?

I was swooned enough without him having to do any of that sort.

How am I going to survive five more days with him like this?!

Jungkook was forced to take a break from work by Namjoon after he had managed to go to work one year without taking any leave at all.

And the alpha agreed, only if Jungmin and I went with him for the said vacation.

Jungmin being Jungmin, he jumped in excitement as soon as the word vacation came to light, and I had no way to reject after Namjoon came to me himself and begged me to go with the young alpha.

Jungkook's forwardness these days was one of the reasons why I was reluctant to agree to go.

Just look at him.

After working out so much, his body was full of muscles that even a fully buttoned suit couldn't hide those beautifully shaped body.

And he knew how irresistible he had become.

A lot of our newcomers were head over heels for him the first few months they were in the company, but he showed them well that he was a man with a son every time he had the chance to bring Jungmin to the office, and most of them became Jungmin's fans short after.

Thus while the newcomers were busy hogging Jungmin to themselves, he would always pulled me away from the crowd and tried to make me go crazy for him.

He'd gave me flowers.

Brought me coffees and cakes.

Carried my files.

Purposely made me bump into him and used that chance to hug me close.

Used the crowd in the lift as excuse to trap me by the wall.

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