Part 11

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Jungkook's POV

"Jungkook, go home now before I dump everything on your desk into the shredder," I looked up seeing Hoseok crossing his arms in front of his chest, his face stern.

He's angry.

"Hyung, you can go home first" telling him before continuing to type more into the laptop, Hoseok took the laptop away from my desk making me shocked a little at his action.

"No. I'm not going home until you do. And you have to do it now, because I have a date with Y/N in two hours," he looked at the watch in his free hand before looking back at me, and I gave up.

There's no use arguing with him when he was this serious.

"Alright, now give me my laptop? I need to save everything before turning it off," asking for the laptop to be returned, Hoseok squinted his eyes and took a few seconds to assess me, before he nodded in approval.

"Good, and don't forget to eat when you get home. You're just skin and bones now," he placed the laptop in front of me again and I proceeded saving all the documents, knowing well that Hoseok was still observing my every move as we spoke.

"And muscles," I mumbled, since he forgot that one, and received a flick on my forehead instead.

"You need more fat, idiot" Hoseok's mouth turned triangle as he got mad, and I hissed, his finger flick hurt more than I thought.

"I'll eat, hyung. Don't worry," rubbing my forehead, I turned off the laptop and wanted to put it in my bag, but was stopped.

"Leave this here. No working until Monday," he said firm, and I widened my eyes a little.

"But tomorrow's Sunday," feeling a little anxious at the thought of not bringing my laptop home, I started to think of the project out of the region.

What if they call me tomorrow?

"Exactly. So, rest. Weekend means rest, Jungkook" Hoseok patted my shoulder, but I couldn't just agree with his words.

"But the project -"

"No," he said curt, and we had a staring competitions for a few seconds before I gave in.

"Fine," sighing out loud, Hoseok smiled in victory and pulled me out of my chair.

"Now go," he pushed my back to walk out the door, and I dugged the heels of my shoes into the ground, stopping us from moving just before I stepped outside the room.

"Let me take my jacket at least, there're my keys and wallet there," turning my head to glance at the smaller alpha, it's not that I couldn't overpower him, but he was someone I looked up too.

He had been helping me a lot on the work, guiding me here and there just like Namjoon did.

"Fine," Hoseok released his hand from my back allowing me to get my jacket, but stayed there waiting for me to come back.

He was fixed on getting me off work before him.

"Goodness, hyung" letting out a humorless chuckle, Hoseok just stared at me serious, his eyes never wandered away from me.

"I have to do this. You're getting worse, Jungkook. You realize that?" we walked out the office after locking my room, and I threw my eyes out the large glass window on our floor.

It's dark outside.

"I'm fine," muttering it out, I heard Hoseok sighed soft.

"You're not. Trust me," he spoke out slow, matching my voice's volume, and I smiled small.

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