Part 5

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Jimin's POV

"Jiminie, what do you want to eat for lunch?" my colleague asked as she came to my desk.

"My craving was gone these few days, but I missed eating the food in our cafe" I told, and she agreed immediately, making me feel weirded a little.

She was always complaining about the café's food though, what made her change?

"Of course! The cook was new and the food was a lot better now," she informed bright, but I was disappointed instead.

"Really? I'm kind of expecting to eat the porridge from the aunty that we used to talk to together," feeling a bit down hearing the news, she was quick to comfort me with her words.

"Oh my don't pout, baby mama. The aunty is still here, the new cook hired her since everyone's been asking not to let her go after the previous contract ended," Y/N grinned, making my heart feel lighter that I know the aunty was still here.

"Thank goodness, I've missed hearing her gossiping around too. She reminded me of my mom at home," I chuckled, and she agreed with me without hesitant.

"She reminded me of my mom at home too. Come on, you have to eat for two now, so we need to get going for us to have more time to enjoy our food," she patted my shoulder and I nodded, putting the laptop to sleep and walked to Y/N who waited for me.


"Can I join you guys?" looking up to the voice asking Y/N the question, I saw the blush on her face when she saw the owner.

"Of course, hyung. I thought that you have meetings for the whole day?" I asked as Y/N scooted a little to give space for Hoseok to sit, and hid my smile from the two.

Y/N has been crushing on Hoseok since forever and I was aware of that, and I saw that the male also acting quite more gentleman-like when he's in front of Y/N.

Did he liked her too?

"There's still meeting after this, but I'm glad the previous one ended earlier. Hi, Y/N" my childhood friend smiled warmly to the girl, and I was expecting more interactions, only to get disappointed when Y/N frowned and looked into her phone.

"Hi, Mr. Jung. I'm sorry but I have to go, please enjoy your lunch," she quickly finished her food and tried to get up, but paused when Hoseok asked her.

"Are you going?" Hoseok sounded a little bit disappointed that she was leaving, and I just watched as the two conversed.

"Uh, yes. The hardcopy of your upcoming meeting slides, Mr. Lee asks for my help in bringing the copies to the meeting room and get everything ready,"

"I see," Hoseok didn't seem to have any reason to stop her now as the task was quite urgent, but I decided to interrupt.

I might as well start doing my task as a cupid for these two while Taehyung and Yoongi wasn't in the area.

"There's still a lot of time left, Y/Nie. Hyung, eat faster and go help Y/N after this," slightly kicking his shin to give ideas to Hoseok, he blinked a few times before nodding fast.

"Oh - yes. I won't take a lot of time to eat, can you wait for me for a second?" he started taking the first bite in gusto, but did not forget to munch before gulping the food down.

"But I -" Y/N looked guilty as she looked at Hoseok and me, but I pulled her hand towards me.

"If you don't want to wait for him, I'll help you?" throwing the question just as a bait, Y/N widened here eyes before rejecting firmly.

"No, Jimin. How can I let your carry those papers?" she frowned, making a bit angry face at my suggestion, not realizing that she wasn't someone with the size that should be doing job too.

Mr. Lee was dumping his job to her, and I was quite annoyed that this happened even after a long time.

"So do you, Y/N. You're tinier than me. Just sit here and let Hoseok hyung do all the heavy lifting job later," patting her forearm soft, Hoseok agreed with multiple nods since his mouth was full, and she sighed in defeat, accepting the offer.

"Well, I'll go buy some drinks for you guys as my thanks. What coffee would you like?" she smiled, planning to clean her tray and buy coffee straight away, and I smiled wide at the opportunity.

I'll ask Hoseok what he thinks of Y/N when she's away.

If he really liked her, I'd tell him to ask her to come for a visit at our house.

Or ask her out for a date.

"No coffee for me, just buy Hoseok hyung the basic iced americano, he's not picky about coffee"


The two left the café not even fifteen minutes later, and I felt pity for them working so hard.

Having a lot more porridge left in my bowl, I slowly ate them, knowing that there's enough time to enjoy the food before lunch hour ended.

The desk beside me was filled making me turn my head to just smile to greet whoever it was, only to froze when it was Jungkook.

He didn't realize it was me yet since his eyes were fixed on someone who came with him, and I brought my eyes to see the secretary of his who took the seat in front of him, which was just about meter beside me.

Only then, our eyes met.

She looked shocked, while I kept a strong facade, and turned my head to see Jungkook, who was already looking at me now.

Not able to form even a fake smile, I just nodded out of respect to the big boss of the company, and clenched my teeth hard to stop myself from being controlled by emotion after turning my face back to the porridge in front of me.

Act rational, Jimin.

Think about the baby.

You have to finish the porridge.

Forcefully taking another bite of the food, the atmosphere around our tables were obviously tense, but I said nothing.

So were the other two.

They kept quiet, and I heard her suggesting to Jungkook to find a new seat, but the cafe was packed.

I knew her intention to change seats was probably because she didn't want to make me feel uncomfortable, but I felt unwanted instead.

"Jimin, honey?" snapping my head up to the kind lady who was the cook for the porridge, a layer of tear glassed over my eyes before I blinked them away a few times.

"Aunty" forcing a smile to her, she picked up on my distressed state right away when she chose to sit by my side close, patting my back soft.

"Is the porridge being mean to you? Is it not tasty?" she glared playfully at the food she made for me, making me chuckled, heart feeling lighter just from her presence.

"No, not at all, I love it. It's lovely," shaking my head and clearing my thoughts from the two who were still beside me, I decided to just give my focus my savior beside me.

"Then eat up. I won't let you leave even if you didn't finish my food. Who cares if the lunchtime is over, a mama needs to feed his baby well," she patted my back soft before bringing the spoon up into my hand again, and I flashed a grateful smile to her for being such a wonderful person.

"Okay, aunty. You be my bodyguard from now on, okay?" joking with her, the lady didn't even hesitate and lifted up her arms, trying to flex her nonexistent muscles making me laugh.

"Of course, anything for my sweet mochi!"

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