Part 2

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Jimin's POV

After a few more nights spent with Jungkook, I was announced as pregnant by the Jeon's family doctor, and to be honest, the happy feeling was laced always with sadness since I knew what's coming after that.

It only took us about a month to get that news, and as soon as my pregnancy was confirmed, Jungkook brought me to his parents house, to break the news of us signing the paper to my in laws.

Jungkook's parents were appalled, but they knew better that nothing could stop their son from wanting what he wanted, thus they could only accept.

Mrs. Jeon hugged my tight as she told me that my presence would always be welcomed inside the Jeon's manor, while Mr. Jeon just said that he'd love to see his grandchild one day, even if it's only through pictures.

Both of them were so sweet to me until the end, but I didn't know if I'd be able to meet them again in the future after my relationship with their son was cut off.

Not to mention that I had told Jungkook that the child won't ever know who's his real father was.

Packing my things out of the house wasn't that hard when Hoseok had offered his help willingly after he heard the news.

He was like a brother to me, taking care of me in stead of my parents, when they were too far in our hometown.

Mom and dad had called me, wanting me to come back and live with them throughout my pregnancy, but I refused, opting to rent out a room from Hoseok's friend instead, reason being that I didn't managed to get my name under the list of people who was being transferred to our company's branch in Busan.

Min Yoongi was kind enough to help me in getting used to my new place, and just like that, another three months passed.

"Jimin, how about eating sushi today? You're okay with fish and other seafood?" My housemate peeked his head into my room after getting my permission to enter, and I smiled as I looked away from the laptop on my desk.

I was allowed to work from home until my condition got better according to Hoseok, as in my morning sickness and all early pregnancy side effects were reduced until close to none, and I was grateful for that flexibility the company had for pregnant employees like me.

Hoseok had been using Yoongi in keeping a close eye on me, on my condition, forcing me to forget on the idea of pretending to be okay just to go to work, being put under such tight supervision of his close friend.

Min Yoongi was a man with eagle eyes.

He watched every movement of mine inside the house quietly, and even though it was a bit stifling, but it felt good to be taken care of.

And I knew his intention was good, and that it was kind of his occupational habit, since he's a doctor.

"Hyung, you don't have to match your food palette with mine, I'm starting to be weird and might disgust you with my choice of food," smiling to the beta, Yoongi just shrugged off his shoulder, not minding about my choice of food.

"I'm not a picky eater, I eat almost all despite how picky I look," he told making me chuckle, and I decided to stop after seeing the time.

It's lunch hour already.

"You do look like a grumpy cat all the time, hyung, but I'd be too if I were you. Did you get any sleep at all?" I asked, and the doctor nodded.

"I slept well, about five hours?" He scrolled through his phone probably looking through the food delivery app, and I walked up to him to peek into his phone.

"I don't mind eating sushi today, I am actually craving for some wasabi now that you've bring it up," I felt my mouth watering at the thought of the green paste, and Yoongi smiled looking at my reaction.

It's puzzling how easy it was to feel comfortable with Yoongi after only three months.

He was a man with few words, making us talk minimal amount with each other, and he appeared as cold due to that, but probably the actions of his was what made me knew instantly that he was a warm person at heart.

He's a good guy.

"Do you still have a lot of work?" He asked, tilting his head towards the laptop and I shook my head.

"No, I take half-day today. I remember my check up appointment, hyung. You really don't trust me, huh?" Pouting at the older male and folded my arms in front of my chest, Yoongi chuckled soft as he ruffled my hair.

"I didn't say anything. I'm going back to the hospital for my shift as well after lunch, do you want to come with me?" He offered, the hospital he was working in being the same hospital I chose to go to for my monthly check up regarding my pregnancy.

Hoseok was the one to suggest while he introduced Yoongi to me, and I just agreed, seeing nothing wrong with going to the hospital since it was also a panel hospital for employees working for Jeon's company.

"Sure, I can just take the cab back after that. Thanks, hyung" smiling to the male, Yoongi nodded, locking his phone as soon as he finished ordering.

"No problem, we're heading the same way after all. I'm going to shower, can you get the food when it arrives?" He made his way to his room but halted as he asked for me to answer the door, and I nodded willingly without hesitation.

"Of course. No wonder I smell something, you haven't showered hyung!" Teasing the beta, I laughed when Yoongi turned his front to face me and stared me with unamused face.

He was cutely offended.

"Hey, I took a bath before coming home this morning, and I took a shower once again before going to sleep," defending himself, I laughed a bit more before stepping out of my room.

"I'm kidding, hyung. Go and freshen up yourself, you have night shifts again today, right?" Closing the door of my room behind me and made my way to the living room. Yoongi sighed before muttering a small 'yes', and continued making his way to his room.


(a/n: I did it. The much requested continuation. Anything for you guys. Let's see how this goes, shall we?)

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