Part 4

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Jimin’s POV

"Jiminie! I told you we'll be meeting more in the future, and the future is now, muahahaha!" Seokjin laughed out loud while he was still in front of our door and I giggled at his unexpected bright personality as I stepped aside and invited him to come in.

"Dr. Kim, welcome to our house!"

"Oh, just call me Seokjin hyung, Jin hyung or worldwide handsome hyung if you want, I don't mind,"

"Worldwide handsome hyung? But you're pretty too," I pretended to be thinking as I frowned a little, Seokjin laughed as he went with my way.

"Then call me pretty hyung, I need a new nickname after all," he winked after placing his shoes inside the cabinet, pointing at me tackily with his fingers as he lifted one of his legs and posed weirdly.

Laughing at how carefree he was out of his white coat, I went to the kitchen after showing Seokjin the way to the living room.

However, he followed behind me and I was surprised when he started rolling his sleeve and took a knife out from the drawer, starting to chop the vegetables right away.

"S-Seokjin hyung, I'll do that! We invited you for a dinner, so you're our guest," frantically walking up to the taller male, Seokjin didn't even get to voice out his opinion when Yoongi's voice made it appearance first.

"Just let him be. You're the one who should rest, Jimin. Go eat some snacks or whatever. We'll be in charge of dinner today," he walked into the kitchen taking two aprons and handing one to Seokjin, making the other put down the knife and wore the item properly.

"Yes, as your doctor, I instruct you to eat apples today! So you shouldn't cook, you only have to eat, okay?" Seokjin pretended being stern with me as he instructed, and I laughed at how playful he was.

"Okay, thank you Seokjin hyung, Yoongi hyung"

"You're welcome, honey. Oh my, I want Joonie to meet you too, but he said he's busy" Seokjin fished out his phone and started typing immediately, and I turned to Yoongi who was also listening to our conversation.


"Namjoon. Kim Namjoon is his husband. You should know him," he shrugged his shoulder, the news not new to him, and I frowned.

I know a Kim Namjoon?



"Namjoon...Kim Namjoon?!"

"Oh, Yoongi did tell that you're working in Joonie's company. Have you work with him, Jimin?"

The COO who just came back from our branch abroad.

He was the epitome of an ideal man, everyone's crush.

I knew that he's married, but with Seokjin?!

"Wow, Mr. Kim's husband is Dr. Kim? Wowww, oh my goshh" muttering to myself as I tried to imagine how perfect they would be if they're put side by side, and I had forgotten to answer Seokjin's question.

"We lost him, just get back to cooking hyung" Yoongi left me and Seokjin as he started cooking, while I was still too shocked about the news.

"You're so cute," Seokjin chuckled as he pinched my cheeks a little before pulling me to sit at the chair in the kitchen island. He came back with a plate of cut apples and told me to finish them all, and also reminded to not even think of joining them for cooking.


"I'm jealous! How can you be a great cook on top of everything you already are?" getting the role of being our food tester, Seokjin smiled proud at my compliment.

The doorbell rang making all of our heads turned to the front door, and Yoongi broke the silence.

"Probably Hoseok. Can you please get the door, Jimin?" as Yoongi spoke, I was already leaving my seat, holding my small tummy bump unconsciously as I walked to the front door.

"Hobi hyung - not?" I froze upon opening the door because the man in front of it was definitely not Hoseok.

"Hi," the charming dimple stroke my heart as soon as it made its appearance, and I let out a breath shakily.

"Oh my gosh, it's Mr. Kim. My goodness, uh please come in. Seokjin hyung is inside," coming to my senses, I blinked repeatedly almost struggling to believe that the one I had always admired from afar was right in front of me right now.

"I brought my cousin too if you don't mind, he's my driver for today," he smiled guiltily pointing to another ethereal person behind him, and I blinked my eyes a few times, recognizing the familiar face.

"Taehyung?!" my most close team member was there with his famous boxy smile on display, and I felt my smile widened even more, glad to meet someone I haven't seen for so long.

"I miss you!" he exclaimed as he stepped inside the house, and I gladly walked into his spread arms after showing Namjoon the way to the kitchen.

"I miss you too. You're Mr. Kim's cousin?" looking up while still being in his arms, I realized that Taehyung was bulkier now.

Did he worked out?

"Sorry for never telling you," he smiled, slowly loosening his hug, and I brought him to sit at the couch in the living room.

"It's okay. How did you know that I lived here?" curious about a lot of things, I asked him as soon as we're seated.

"I didn't know, actually. Hobi hyung didn't tell, but Namjoon hyung's driver suddenly had to leave, so he asked me to be the replacement for today. Turns out we're meeting you!"

"How's the office?" wanting to know the update, or was there any changes to our colleagues, Taehyung's shook his head saying no.

"The same, since you're still working and submitted everything on time, but Hobi hyung said you're coming back next week?"

"Yeah, I can't wait to meet everyone"

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" he asked, and I looked at his concerned face and smiled.

"I can't avoid from meeting him forever, Tae. I'll be fine, I promise" patting his head, I was glad to be given such a caring colleague, a friend.

"I'll be there for you," he gave his word, and I nodded, knowing that he meant it.

"How's the update on your crush? Any progress?" I changed the subject, not wanting to think about Jungkook that much, and Taehyung smiled cheeky.

"Yes, I'm in his house right now" he tried whispering, but I heard it easily due to how loud his whisper was.

"Yoongi hyung?!" I was genuinely surprised that his crush was my housemate, and couldn't stop myself from shouting the name out loud.

"Use a microphone next time, will you?" Taehyung looked done, and I slapped my mouth shut with my hands.

"Yes, Jimin?" both our neck almost snapped when Yoongi was suddenly out from the kitchen, but thankfully he was quite far from us, so I didn't think he heard our conversation earlier.

"Oh, no. I thought I saw a cockroach, but it's just Taehyung," pointing to the male who just smiled awkwardly at his crush, it's funny seeing how Taehyung froze up.

"Well, that's a handsome cockroach," Yoongi's answer made me feel giddy for some reason, and I wondered how Taehyung felt, being complimented by his crush.

Even though he was currently a cockroach right now.

"Hi, hyung" he lifted his hand and awkwardly waved to the doctor, his hand so stiff that I would believe if he said his joints were rusty.

"Hi, Taehyung. Hoseok said that he can't come due to work, so I'm glad you're here," Yoongi gave him a small smile making me feel like pushing Taehyung to just confess already, quietly shipping the two.

I'll try my best to be a cupid starting from today.

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