Part 14

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Jungkook’s POV

"Papa!" the three years old Jungmin ran fast into my arms as he saw me outside the nursery, and I lifted him up easily despite his increasing weight.

"Hey, buddy. How's school today?" walking to the lift, since the nursery was located in an office building close to our company, the boy hugged my neck close as we entered the small compound.

Jungmin was still a little scared of the lift due to him tripping his leg between the gap and fell over once last month.

"Great! Are you sleeping over at our house today, papa?" he asked fluent, being quite a talker for his age, and I smiled but shook my head.

"I'm sorry, but I have more works to do at the office" he pouted at my decline, but then brightened up again as he ask me his next question.

"Can I go with you?" he blinked cutely that it was almost impossible to say no, but I just chuckled, almost used to the charm of this little son of mine.

"To the office?" getting out of the lift and walked to the exit of the building, Jungmin wriggled to walk by himself knowing that the danger of a lift was no longer there.

"Yeah!" he held my hand tight as we walked to our car, and I still cooed looking at how small his hands being engulfed by mine.

"But mama won't be there, neither do Uncle Taetae nor Uncle Hobi," the info made him frown, and I laughed a bit, finding every of his reaction adorable.


"It's already passed working hour, Jungmin. They go home after working hour," opening the backseat door, I lifted him to be placed into the children's seat, and fastened the belt around him.

"Then why are you still going back to work?" Jungmin giggled short when I playfully tickled his tummy while fastening his belt, but continued to ask, wanting answer to his curiosity.

"Because I have a lot more work than they are, so I take a lot more time to finish them," I got into the driver seat quickly not to let the boy's question unanswered for too long, and smiled wide at Jungmin's offer next.

"Then I'll help you, papa!" he exclaimed bright, giving me such sparkling excited eyes, wanting to be helpful.

"Are you sure?" buckling my own seatbelt, I turned on the engine and fished out my phone from my jacket.

Jimin needed to be informed since he was still the sole guardian of Jungmin, and I won't dare to take advantage and risking the trust he gave me to fetch Jungmin from his nursery.


"Then we have to call mama to inform him that you'll be staying with papa for longer," I said, showing Jungmin the phone in my hand.

"Okay. Can Jungminie call mama from papa's phone, please?" the boy brought both his hands together and stretched them out to me, looking all cute asking for permission to make the call.

"Here you go, buddy. You know mama's number, right?" grinning from ear to ear, feeling like biting those cute small hands, I decided not to proceed with my desire and handed Jungmin the phone.

"Yes, Jungmin remembers mama and papa's number" he showed me the number he typed in, which was correct, and I felt proud of him for being such an intelligent young boy.

"Good job, Jungmin" nodding in approval and lightly pinched his chubby cheeks since the boy was smiling all proud getting all the numbers correct, I just watched as he put the phone to his ear.

The phone was connected to the car so there's actually no need for the boy to do that, but I just let him be because the view was just too cute.

The size of the phone was almost bigger than his head.

And when he placed it on the side of his face, his cheek was squished making the mouth made a pout.

Can you imagine how cute my son was?

My goodness, his cuteness would be the death of me.


"Honey, are you with papa right now?" Jimin's voice was heard through the speaker, earning me a smile when Jungmin still kept the phone to his ear.

"Yes, mama. Jungmin wants to help papa with work, can Jungmin follow papa to office?" the little boy pouted cutely, acting as if Jimin was in front of him, and I bit my lip to prevent myself from stretching out my hand and pinch those pout.

"You do?" the omega's voice was soft, talking with so much love for the little boy.

"Hmm, papa said he has lots of work to do, so he can't come back early like mama and Uncle Taetae and Uncle Hobi," Jungmin reasoned fluently, and how could we say no whenever his eyes sparkled like that.

Jimin might not be able to see, but I knew well that he knew the face Jungmin was making right now.

"Alright, honey. Mama will bring you dinner, okay?" I widened my eyes a little at the words told by Jimin, feeling happy that I'd be able to see him more for today.

"Can I have ice cream, mama?" Jungmin requested, his voice a bit slower than before since he knew that Jimin wasn't that fond in allowing him to have the cold dessert, but still hoping that his mama will give him the permission.

"Only if you promise to eat everything mama cooked for you later," Jimin negotiated, and the grin on Jungmin's face widened, making me smile too.

I decided to start driving out the parking lot since it seemed that I had my permission to bring Jungmin to office, and made our way to the said destination.

"I promise, mama!"

"Okay, baby. Don't disturb papa and be a good boy, okay?" the omega reminded firm, but still using such a soft voice with the boy.

"Okay, mama. Mama be a good mama too," the boy copied the words of his mama without much thought but earned us a beautiful laugh from Jimin, and I was thankful for the boy's cleverness in using his words while talking.

"Alright, honey. I love you,"

"I love you too, mama. Papa loves you too!" Jungmin turned his head to look at me with proud smile on his face, and I couldn't say anything but just smile and nod.

What he said was true, but Jimin would probably just brushed it off and think that it was one of Jungmin's own empty words.

"Mama's going to cook now, bye baby" as expected, Jimin didn't comment anything on Jungmin's word, and I just scrunched my nose in disappointment, deciding to keep my eyes on the road and focused on driving instead.

The call seemed to be ending too from the look of it, and we're approaching the office as well.

"Bye, mama!" Jungmin last said before Jimin hung up the phone, and I smiled to him who seemed satisfied after getting the chance to speak to his beloved mama.

He hugged the phone to his tummy, having learnt from Jimin that he shouldn't disturb the driver while the car was moving, but I realized his stare that was boring the back of my head.

Stopping at a red light, I turned to meet the wide sparkly pair of eyes of my son, and I smiled wide.

"What is it, buddy?"

"Can Jungmin play games in your phone, papa?" his puppy eyes full on display making me feel like I was attacked right in the heart, but I tried playing it cool by letting out a fake cough to cover my true feelings.

"Sure, buddy. But only until we reach the office, okay?"

"Okay! Thank you, papa!"

"Thanks for asking for permission first, Jungminie. Great job," putting up my hand in front of him for a high-five, he replied to it excitedly before his focus went to the gadget in his hand.

Skillfully opening the game application that I have downloaded in the phone just for him, the rest of the ride was filled with only laughters of Jungmin and the sound of the game being played through speaker.

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