Part 2

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"Jyesth,how beautiful this place is?"asked pleased aBheem.

"Yeah.It is."replied aYudisthir.

"But bharata.I don't feel good about this place."said aSahadev.

"Ufffff!Sahadev.You please stop."said aNakul.

"No,Nakul.I also agree with Sahadev.This place is so strange."added aArjun moving to the place.

"See.I wish with your handsome face if God would give you some brain too."teased aSahadev.

"At least,you admit I am handsome more than you."mocked the eldest twin giving a winning face.

"I never said so.You are handsome with no brain.And this is totally useless."mocked aSahadev.

"You!"aNakul was cut off by Mata Kunti,"Now come to eat."

"I will sit next mata."said aSahadev and started running like baby.

"No,me."said aNakul.

"What is my fault?"asked aArjun hurrying to go the dining table.

"Nakul and Sahadev,you both sit beside Mata,ok?"advised aYudisthir.

"That's not fair,jyesth.You don't love me.I won't talk to you at all."said aArjun sitting beside aBheem.

"Arjun you are elder."informed aYudisthir.

"So what! Doesn't elders have no wish?"asked aArjun but soon understand the meaning too.Now,there will be war for sure.

"Then I will sit also."added aBheem.

"No,me."mused aYudisthir.

"Me too."said aArjun.

"I won't leave my place."said aNakul hugging Mata Kunti tightly.

"Have mercy on me."said aSahadev like the most helpless and honest, innocent man.

As expected, Pandavas started screaming, pushing like babies does.

"Stop you five.At least, remember where are you?"yelled Mata Kunti.

What would others think if they saw five world's most bravest men quarrel for sitting beside Mata!

"Sometimes you behave immaturely despite being mature."said Mata Kunti.

"But Mata whatever you say,I will sit beside you."said aArjun and sat down.

"No Arjun,forget what you said before 1 minutes!"asked aBheem.

"Yes and I am the eldest!"stated aYudisthir.

"Whatever I said,that is past.I will sit with Mata."amused aArjun.

"Ohhhhh!!Mata ,you come sit with me."requested aNakul.

"Don't you dare.Mata,I am your favourite."reminded aSahadev.

"I will sit with you all.I am sitting in middle and you five surround me.And I will feed you one by one.Now stop this fighting."informed Mata Kunti and sat down.

"Five Rajkumar are still the same, Rajmata.You are lucky indeed to get such sons."said Purochan coming with the food trays.

"Hope this unity stays same.Otherwise,when sons get married where they care about parents at all, Rajmata."said the wife of Purochan making Pandavas watch at Mata Kunti if she really thought like this.

"This happen now.But I trust my sons.They would never such with me or never any problem will create in their brotherhood."informed Mata Kunti smiling and Pandavas nodded.

"Now come!"ordered Mata Kunti and feed Pandavas.

"Mata,you always love me most,right?"asked aSahadev mocking at others.

"I love you all equally.But yeah as you are youngest,so I am partial towards you."said Mata Kunti smiling.

"Got your answer.Love me most!Uhhhhh!"mocked aNakul.

"Mata see."complained aSahadev.

"First eat.Then do whatever you want."said Mata Kunti.

After completing meals now time to sleep.

"Nakul,why don't you marry this grass-mirror.You always keep looking at this."teased aBheem as all brusted into laughter.

"When time will come,you will just watch my wife.The most beautiful man with the most beautiful woman."said aNakul.

"With you!The most beautiful woman!"asked aSahadev teasingly.

"What are you talking about?"questioned mata Kunti as the five brother became quite.

"Nothing that Mata."said aArjun.

"And that would be nice.Come and sleep."ordered Mata.

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