Part 3

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"What!"screamed Maharaj Draupad.

"What are you saying?This can't be true."denied Maharaj Draupad.

"Sadly but it's true.Pandavas are no more.Pandavas with their mother,Maharani Kunti......"the Mantri was cut off by Maharaj Draupad,"No,this can't happen.Pandavas can't.My dream,wish everything."

Maharaj Draupad couldn't believe how his plan spoilt!!!!!!

"Everything happened for Draupadi,she is disgrace for us."said Maharaj Draupad.

Maharaj is angry so much that he can even kill his own family too.Blood is boiling in his head.

"Get Draupadi in front of me."ordered Maharaj Draupad to his soilder and he sat on the throne.

"Pitasree,please,leave her."requested Princess Shikhandini beggingly and crying.

"Pitasree,you called me."Draupadi came smiling.

"Why have you come here?Go , Draupadi."ordered Princess Shikhandini running towards Draupadi,her younger sister.

"Pitasree has called me,jiji."replied Draupadi.

"Don't you dare to call me as your Pitasree.Now get out from here.Right now."screamed Maharaj Draupad making  Princess Shikhandini and Draupadi throb.

"Pitasree!"called Draupadi emotionally and Draupadi doesn't know what new mistake Draupadi did!

"Didn't you hear me?Get out from my sight."ordered Maharaj more angrily.

"Pitasree,please be calm down.We will think new way."suggested Prince Drishtidyumna.

"Shut up,you are no use of me.Still I am showing enough kindness.But this girl is more worthy.Guards,take her and leave her outside my place."ordered Maharaj Draupad as the soilders nodded  hurtly.

"Pitasree,please!"requested Princess Shikhandini.

"You go to your room.Go."ordered Maharaj Draupad.Watching his eyes,Princess became quite.

"Take her."Maharaj Draupad again ordered.

Draupadi actually didn't understand anything.Truly,from the first day, Draupadi don't understand anything of the place.Everything happens so quickly here that Draupadi don't understand.This things are mostly like Tornado.Very difficult to understand.

The soilders left Draupadi in the border line of Kamphilaya.

"Where would I go?"asked Draupadi.

"Pardon us,Princess.But we can't but disobey Maharaj."pleaded one soilder.

"But princess,you go to the western part.There lives a lot of people and they are so helpful people too.They must be helpful for you."informed another soilder and they went leaving Draupadi alone.

"They told me to go to south.But how would I know which is south?"asked Draupadi to ownself.

"Jiji!"called Draupadi for the last time and began journey.


"Bheem, don't be angry."said aYudisthir giving Vrikodher a slap in his shoulder.

"I am not angry."informed aBheem angrily.

"You are not angry! I am your jyesth,Anuj."said aYudisthir.

"Do you all think it was my fault?Then give me punishment.But don't be angry on your jyesth."said aYudisthir.

"Jyesth!"called the 4 Pandav brothers.

"You are our father jyesth,how can you say like this?"questioned aNakul emotionally.

"We know jyesth why you do so.Why you didn't let us go Hastinapur?But our minds are denying all logic jyesth.Those Kouravs should be punished."said aBheem.

"You don't want luxarious life in fact we don't.But those who tried to harm our mata and jyesth, should we leave them like this?"added aArjun.

"We are angry on ourselves,jyesth that despite our presence,they tried to harm.That means we are no more strong warriors."said aSahadev.

"I know.But for everything has a time,a perfect time.And remember what Mahamuni Ved Vyus said,that our lives will change from here.So,think positive."said aYudisthir smilingly.

"And bharata Bheem is thinking if that is endless food."mocked aNakul.

"I can even eat you."said aBheem catching aNakul.

The five Pandav brothers laughed together after 1 week.

"Mata must be waiting for us.We need to go bharata."said aArjun and the five Pandav Kumars began the journey too.

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