Part 8

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"Where she can go in such short time?"thought aArjun.

"Who knows where is she?"asked aSahadev.

"Everything happened because of us."uttered aBheem.

"Yes,how hurt is she feeling because of us."stated aNakul.

"We won't be able to face ourselves if anything happens with her."said aYudisthir.

"Look this.It's paloo of her."said aArjun watching that hanging with trees.

"I think she is in some problem."said aSahadev.

"Let's go."said aYudisthir and the five brothers began run towards the direction.

"Where is she?"said concerned aArjun.

"See there."uttered aSahadev and saw Draupadi is running.

"Why is she running?"asked aNakul.

"Devi, listen."called Pandavas and went to Draupadi.

Draupadi turned and watch Pandavas.Draupadi hugged Pandavas tightly and crying.Some bad people were there and they run away watching five men with Draupadi.

"What happen,who were they?"asked aArjun.

"They were me and......"Draupadi was cut off by aBheem,"I am dealing them,how they are?"

"Please don't go.I am fine."confronted Draupadi to Pandavas.

"Hey,your hand is bleeding.Have they......"aNakul is gritting.

"No,I am ok."lied Draupadi.

"Shut up and let me heal it."said aSahadev and lep the wound place with some leaf.

"Don't worry.Tommorow, everything your hands will be fine."assured aSahadev.

"So,Devi.Why you come here without letting us know?"asked aNakul.

"You know how much we were worried for you,Mata is still in praying.We were feeling like our souls leave us."truthed aYudisthir.

"Why?We met just few moments before not an hour even."said Draupadi and Pandavas became quite.

"But I brought bad luck for you.Why you came?Let me go."said Draupadi.

"Don't say like this.We are culprit of yours.Punish us."said aBheem.

"No,no.What are you saying?You save me twice."said Draupadi.

"Then why did you run from there?Don't misunderstood us.We just want to make you smile and our mother.Still,I also know that picered your heart.But don't go away like this."said aYudisthir.

Draupadi became overwhelmed by the Pandavas's greatness.

"No,no.I didn't come for that.I saw Mata,she was feeling guilty for her order and you.     I didn't want to fall in ....."Draupadi was cut off by aArjun,"Then come with us.Trust us,we won't let anything bad happen with you.We will make your life beautiful,just trust us."

"I do and I will always.But how can I go there again?"asked Draupadi guiltily.

"Come with us.We will surely find some solution."said aNakul and Draupadi nodded.


"Putri,where had you gone?Are you fine?"hugged Mata Kunti.

"I am fine,Mata.But you please don't cry."requested Draupadi wiping Mata Kunti's tears.

"Putri,you are my sixth children,I consider you.And I am with you.The mistake I did, it's unforgivable.But I will give you justice."said Mata Kunti.

"Mata,you please be calm down."requested Draupadi.

"No, Putri.Let me talk and hear this carefully.You are a girl,one day,you have to marry.Did you like any of my sons?"asked Mata Kunti and Pandavas lowered heads.

"Tell me,Putri.If you like any one of them you like and tell me if you aren't.You are free to everything."permitted Mata Kunti.

"After that,other will take Sanyas."said aYudisthir.

Mata Kunti became shocked but still stand like stone.But Draupadi knows it.

"Can you stay without each other?"asked Draupadi beggingly respectedly.

Pandavas are crying inside,from the birth, Pandavas have been always together.

"I have a siblings too.I want them and miss them always,but I can't.I know the pain to seperate from siblings.I can't give you that pain."said Draupadi emotionally.

"But Putri......"Mata Kunti was cut off by Draupadi,"I accept your order Mata."

"I am very greedy Mata.The love I got from you,I want to feel it more Mata,would you give?"requested Draupadi and Mata Kunti hug Draupadi,"I had said that you are my children from now.And children doesn't need to ask for love from Mata."Mata Kunti said and kissed Draupadi's forehead.

"But it's about so other matters too."said Mata Kunti.

"Putro,what you say."asked Mata Kunti and Pandavas kept shut.Mata knows what her children wants.And it's not unseen that Five Pandavas Brothers have feelings for Draupadi but the love is so pure that Pandavas doesn't want to force in the marriage also.

"Putri,think again."advised Mata Kunti.

"If you are here then what to worry or think,Mata?"questioned Draupadi and lowering eyes but Draupadi was still confused.

"But what is your name,Putri?"asked Mata Kunti and Draupadi said nothing.

"Mata,she doesn't said that."replied aNakul.

"But your family?"asked Mata Kunti again and Pandavas gistured.

"Ok then.I know you will miss your family always but if you want to start a new life,new identity then,it's ok with all of us."smiled Mata Kunti.

"Thank you."Draupadi expressed.

"But you need a name too,Putri.You came from Panchal, Kamphilaya,right?"asked Mata Kunti and Draupadi nodded.

"Then,your new name will be Panchali."Mata Kunti said and Draupadi shook head.

"Panchali,"uttered silently Pandavas.

Pandavas and Draupadi married.

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