part 21

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"All the preparation has been arranged for welcome them."informed Mata Gandhari who had no bounds in happiness.

"I have also cooked every dish that jiji and my sons love."said Mata Madri smiling who had also tears in eyes.

"Don't cry Madri.We should live this moment enjoying."said Mata Gandhari wiping her tear.

"Yes jiji.Don't know why we suffer so much every time? After sacrifice and effort,we could save our sons ,we had no one at that time.Still me and jiji were inspired for our sons that we have to save for them. I am watching jiji to suffer after my marriage.Not even a single day,she could live happily.Why all this happen with us jiji?"asked Mata Madri emotionally recalling the miserable days when Maharaj Pandu had come with Abhaya marrying her.

"Maharani,Pandav Kumars has crossed the main door of the place.Mahamahim Bhishma has ordered you to come to welcome them."informed a dassi respectfully and the both ladies smiled and went there with thala happily.

Mata Kunti with Pandavas and Draupadi come to the palace.

"My Putr!"exclaimed Mahamantri vidur and hugged Pandavas.

"Pitamah."Pandavas greeted him and he blessed them.

"How are you all Putro?"asked Maharaj emotionlessly.

"Where were you so many days when you were alive,my dear."asked Maharani Gandhari confusing.

"Mata,whatever the situation is ,I always try to follow truth and this was also like this."answered aYudisthir making her more confused.

"Then why your Dharma changed suddenly, Bharata?"asked Duryodhan.Pandavas gritted watching him especially aBheem.He wished to smash his head that time.

"Putr!!!"exclaimed Rajmata Madri crying wheras Pandavas went and hugged her tightly.

"Let me watch you wholeheartedly."stated she and Pandavas looked at her and she started kissing them in forehead.

"Finally I am taking breath Putr.I was nothing just a dead body till now."said she crying.

"Didn't you miss me Putr? Then why didn't come to meet your mother Putr?"complained she crying.

"Mata,"Pandavas hugged her tightly crying.

"Where is our daughter-in-law,Kunti?"asked Maharani Gandhari taking the thaali.

"Oh yeah.Our first daughter-in-law.Where is she?"asked Mata Madri happily.

"Another? I feel so sad for this clan .One pleasing event is that PanduPutrs has returned.The throne has got his king but another thing is five brothers married one girl.
Will people accept a king who share his wife with his own brothers?"mocked Mamasree Shakuni and Pandavas looked at him angrily.

Watching this,Pitamah  Bhishma stopped them and scold him,"She is our daughter-in-law now.She is our pride.As concern for public,they have no suspection on Pandavas."

"She is Panchali.Our pride, Mahamahim."informed Mata Kunti.

"Pitamah."Panchali came in front of him and took blessing from him first.
When Mahamantri Vidur had said about their marriage to him,he was very angry.But he knows that if he would show that anger in front of everyone then some wicked people will use that and insult them more.He thought nothing about their marriage actually but watching her,his thought are proven wrong.

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