Part 19

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Panchali was busy in her thinking as usual when the five women come.

"Are you tensed?"asked they.

Panchali turned and smiled and said no.

"Anyway what is there to tense for her? She is only wife and lover to Pandav kumars."smiled one and she blushed.

"Please sit,"requested Panchali smiling.

"Actually we had come to request you for something sister."informed one.

"Yeah anything."said Panchali

"First you promise you won't deny!!"asked she.

Panchali looked at them confused and nodded.

"We will cook today."informed another smiling but Panchali shared a look.

"But you are guest here,will you work? And I cook for my family everyday.I love it."said Panchali .

"Yeah,we have seen it.But how long, Panchali?"asked one smirking.

"What ?"questioned Panchali looking at her.

"I mean how long will we will stay idle?And we are family too, can't we cook one times meal,sister?"asked pouted another.

"And we are cooking for one time and from tommorow you will do the job,sister."said another

Panchali agreed at last but she also knows that Pandavas won't eat cause they have been habituated of her.

Panchali went to Mata Kunti 's room and they went in kitchen to cook.

"Jiji, would they love our cook?"asked another.

"Why not? You forget what Mata Atishi had said?"asked one.

"That men will always be men.Yeah,our husbands love that Panchali,but love isn't enough to live together."said one.

"A wife who can't satisfy her husband physically, can't cook for husbands,in fact,she does not know about them more than us, that's our plus point,sister."said she .

"Gradually,she would be away from Pandavas.We will take her every duty using her pregnancy."said she.

"Yeah,once ,let just one Pandav feel her unnecessary once, using him ,we will prove that Panchali doesn't deserve this,she is not worthy."said one and started cook.

"Wowww,today the aroma is something different."said aNakul and sit down to eat.

Panchali had brought the meal with the five women.

The four also sat down.

"What have you cook today now, Panchali?"smiling Vrikodher.

"Arya....."Panchali was cut off by Mata Mohini,"She didn't cook today Putr."
She said like that Panchali denyed herself to cook.

"Are you ok,dear?"said tensed aArjun and the four became tensed also.

"No Arya,I am fine."said Panchali.

"Putr,today they cooked and Panchali had helped them in kitchen.They wanted to do it badly."said Mata Kunti giving a look at her sister's.

"And from tommorow,your wife would cook for you."said Mata Kunti smiling at the women.

"Just one chance,Kunti.You would repent."promised Mata Mohini to herself.

"The food is really amazing."exclaimed aYudisthir and Panchali smiled a bit.

The Pandavas praised them a lot which hurt Panchali a bit.

Pandavas and Panchali went to sleep.
Panchali didn't talk with Pandavas.

"Panchali,one should always speak out especially when it's about love."said aNakul and Panchali smirked.

"If something is bothering you then discuss.Otherwise,this will hurt you from inside and with this unending pain,you will start hurting others and weaken your relations."informed aYudisthir.

Panchali actually understood what they mean and why?

"We may praise other women, stunned by their beauty, skills but that doesn't mean you will lose your place in our heart."said aBheem sitting with Panchali.

"And if you feel something wrong in our behavior then share that with us.You can scream ,cry, scold us also."said aSahadev.

"Don't think that wife is just bounded to cook for husband and give birth to children,raise them.You are our wife,we are friends for ever dear.Share anything with us, anything but don't keep this inside you and hurt yourself alone."said aArjun.

"Hmm."nodded Panchali.

"We want you to be comfortable with us,we don't wish to be your husbands by name only.But we can't do this alone dear.Like we show our rights on me,you also do."said aSahadev.

"Be like potato when you are angry, scold at us like dump,smile with us like they is only one person."said aNakul and Panchali smiled.

"Mad woman!!"exclaimed Pandavas and Panchali kept smiling when Pandavas hugged her tightly.

"We love you so much Panchali.We want you always with us."uttered Pandavas truthfully.


"My dear son,"said smiling Maharaj Draupad.

"How are you Mamasree?"asked Karna.

"Fine,more fine seeing you,Putr."exclaimed he.

"My pleasure,Mamasree."smiled Karna hugging him.

"But Mamasree ,why you called me suddenly? Is anything serious happened?"asked Karn tensely.

"Nothing serious now but if we don't do anything,it can be worse."informed Maharaj tensely.

"What do you mean, Mamasree?"asked Karn confused.

"Then listen....................................................

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