Part 18

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Pandavas went to work in morning and Panchali was doing some household works.

Suddenly, Pandavas entered angrily.

"Arya,what happen? You come so fast today!"asked Panchali went near but Pandavas didn't reply and went to their room and locked the room making everyone confused.

"What happen to them suddenly Arya?"asked Panchali confused.

"Why they are so angry suddenly?"whispered Panchali.

"Only a good wife can make her husband feel good and comfortable but there wife even don't know what happen to her husbands?"asked Mata Atishi giving her an angry look.

"Why are you scolding this innocent,jiji? They have come from outside jiji.Something can happen , what's fault of Panchali?"asked Mata Kunti coming with glasses of water.

"You go to them,Putri."smiled Mata Kunti giving those glasses.

Panchali went in the room slowly.

"Sometime you behave like she is your own daughter,Kunti."glared Mata,Zalshi.

"She is not my own daughter but my sons's wife.So I must love her like that,jiji."said Mata Kunti.

"You are also taunting us Kunti nowadays.
Just'my sons','my sons'!!! Like we are nobody to them."said angrily Mata Mohini.

"I can never said that jiji,you also know that.You are habituated to take everything wrongly nowadays ,jiji."said Mata Kunti and went in the kitchen leaving them more angrily.

"Arya,"whispered Panchali slowly and saw Pandavas were sitting.

"You can come later, Panchali."informed aNakul a bit stressed.

"Yeah but please drink water first,Arya."requested Panchali slowly giving them the glasses.

Panchali couldn't understand them today.
Are they angry or sad?? Is it frustration? The old wound become alive today?

Panchali never watched them like this.She is very terrified watching them.

Pandavas looked up to watch Panchali who were trembling in fear but she was looking so cute and adorable that Pandavas couldn't resist anymore.

"Arya,what is troubling you?"asked Panchali slowly.

Pandavas kept quite,"You know Arya,I never watched you so angry.I can read your eyes, something is definitely disturbing you."said Panchali.

"Don't give so much pain to yourselves for ordinary someone Arya."requested Panchali.When she looked at them,they were emotional and mentally broken.

"Don't hide your feeling Arya.It will only harm you.Why punish us for other's deeds?"questioned Panchali and Pandavas nodded sadly.

But it was totally felt that they were thinking about past,a deadful past which is graved inside them.

"Arya,"Panchali called and Pandavas hugged her tightly crying which make her more confused.

"We hate them!!! We hate them to no end."Pandavas blabbering hugging Panchali tightly.

"Hate them?!"whispered Panchali.

"We would never forgive them.They will be surely punished for their deeds."promised aBheem gritted.

"Who Arya? Who hurt you this badly?"asked Panchali wiping their tears.

"We hate each member of Kamphilaya.The descent of Draupad Naresh."said Arjun and including him and everyone the hate was seen and the hurt deeply.

But Panchali who was shocked that she couldn't even know what to express or say!!!

"We will kill each of them Panchali."promised aYudisthir and Panchali's heart stopped for one moment.

"What are they saying?"asked Panchali to herself confused.

Pandavas was also comfortable hugging their one and only lady love, Panchali but she has become dead from inside.

"Dear,"aSahadev kissed Panchali's cheeks.

"You don't take stress thinking all this.We will take our revenge surely."promised aBheem.

Panchali looked at them emotionally,what are they saying? Why would they kill them?

"See,we are so lost today.Did you take the meal?"asked aArjun seriously.

"Must be not,you are too careless , Panchali."scolded aNakul and Panchali gave a fake smile while she was clueless from inside

The second twin take her in the dinning room and make her sit to eat.

"Panchali,why don't you listen to us ?"complained aArjun giving a bite in Panchali's mouth.

"From now,we will have to be your shadow,dear."joked aBheem where the five brothers started to laugh except Panchali.

"Eat now.What are you thinking?"asked aYudisthir and Panchali smiling in no.

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