Part 7

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"But what is your name,Devi?"asked aSahadev.

Draupadi didn't say anything.

"You can tell us.What will happen with name?"said aNakul.

"No,no."cried Draupadi.

"Ohhhhh, don't cry."said aBheem consoling.

"But at least we need something to call you."said aArjun.

"No,"replied sobbing Draupadi.

"Ok,as you wish."permitted aYudisthir.

"Mata would be very happy seeing you."said aArjun.Draupadi is happy also thinking.

"Mata is praying now.We will prank with her."said aNakul.

"Yeah she would be very happy."added aBheem.

Draupadi smiled at Pandavas.

"You can smile too."joked aArjun.

"Of course I can."replied Draupadi and Pandavas laughed.

In the mean time, Pandavas came with Draupadi when Mata Kunti was praying.

"Mata,see what we have brought for you."said aBheem.

"Mata,you would be very happy to see......"aYudisthir couldn't finish before Mata Kunti ordered to divide that among five brothers.

Pandavas became speechless hearing that.Draupadi silently leave the hut in front of Pandavas but Pandavas couldn't stop Draupadi.

"Putr,what happened?"turned Mata Kunti.

"Who is she?"questioned Mata Kunti.

"Mata,we had bought her with us.She is alone."replied sadly aYudisthir.

"We thought you might like her but what you have ordered."asked aArjun.

"Putr,why didn't you said me before?Oh,what I did?"screamed shocked Mata Kunti.

"Did she go?"asked Mata Kunti but Pandavas didn't utter a word.

Mata Kunti ran towards the river and saw Draupadi is sitting there alone.

"Putri."called Mata Kunti and Draupadi looked behind.

"Please forgive me,I didn't know."Mata Kunti was struggling.

"No,no.Please don't shame me more."requested Draupadi and touch Mata Kunti's feet for blessing.

"Putri,"Mata Kunti was cut off by Draupadi,"You look like my Mata."

"Putri,I am sorry."said mata Kunti caressing Draupadi's cheeks watery.

"No,mata.It's my bad luck.Wherever I go,I can only made everyone suffer nothing else."Draupadi cried.

"First my own family abandoned me,then I found a new family but my luck took them away from me and now when I dreamed to get a new one,that wasn't destined."Draupadi cried.

"Please don't say like this.All are my fault."said Mata Kunti.

"Can I call you Mata?"asked Draupadi.

"Ye..s...."Mata Kunti hugged Draupadi and both cried.

"I am sorry,Mata.I will go from here."informed sadly Draupadi.

"No,no,Putri.You won't go anywhere.Every problem has solution.I am talking with my sons.You wait here."said Mata Kunti and went.

"Putro."called Mata Kunti.

"Mata,how is s...h...e?"asked concerned aSahadev.

"Not good,Putr.She is so loving.How could I said this?"cried Mata Kunti.

Mata Kunti wiped tears.

"Putr,you think something."ordered Mata Kunti.

"What can we do,Mata?We aren't understanding anything."said aArjun.

"But we can't let her go alone."said mata Kunti.

"Mata, whenever she will see us,she will be hurt, insecure,feel disgusted."said aNakul.

"She is our responsible now.She will decide what to do.We will accept any punish she gives us."informed aYudisthir.

"Yes,we can't let her feel low.Now,she will decide."agreed aSahadev.

"But jyesth,how we can even face her?And how will she made decision ?"asked aArjun.

"But we can't also suppress our decision on her."said aBheem.

"I am calling her."Mata Kunti said and went to call Draupadi.But Draupadi went.

"Putro.She is not there."informed mata Kunti.

"What,where can she go?"asked aArjun.

"She was saying that she will go.She gone,I think."cried hardly Mata Kunti.

"No,no.Where will she go? Anything can happen."feared aNakul.

"Let's go.We need to find her."ordered aYudisthir.

"Putro,come with my Putri."said mata Kunti and Pandavas went to search for Draupadi.

Mata Kunti is praying and crying for Draupadi's safety.

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