Part 20

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"Take this and mix with Panchali's food."ordered one lady.

"Are you sure?"questioned another afraidly.

"Do you know the result? said another.

"We know but without risks we can't get what we wanted.This child and his mother,both are dangerous for us."said another lady.

"But the child is Pandavas's.If anyone will know this then....."before she could say anything ,Matas entered.

"What are you discussing about?"asked Mata Atisha making them stopping heart beats.

"She is saying something.Answer her."ordered Mata Parthi.

"Ohhhh Mata......"the lady wanted to say but got a hard slap from Mata Ragini.

"What you had thought that you will plan to kill our unborn grandchild and we won't even know that!!"asked Mata Atisha making them shocked and afraid.

"It's true that we don't like Panchali but the child inside her has blood of  Pandavas.And you think you would try to harm him and we will keep quite?"asked Mata Zalshi aggressively.

"Mata..we...."the first lady was cut off by Mata Mohini's angry look ,"Shut your mouth and leave from here quietly."

"And don't forget you are save.You will definitely be punished for this dare."threatened Mata Ragini.

"Forgive..."prayed they but nothing will work.

"Go from here before anyone see you.Go."ordered Mata Ragini angrily and they left from there losing to Panchali.

Now,one danger has gone leaving Pandavas and Panchali happily for some time.

"Why you are so tensed dear?"asked aSahadev kissing Panchali's cheeks.

"We are here,Matas are here and soon we will meet Mata Madri and Mata Gandhari in Hastinapur too."said aArjun smiling.

"There will be everyone for you and we are always with you dear."promised aYudisthir smiling and Panchali nodded.

"I know Arya,but I don't know will I be able to be a good mother?"asked Panchali tensely.

"You are the best wife,an excellent daughter-in-law ,oh sorry a daughter for our mothers."said aBheem making her smile and thankful.

"Then? You will be a good mother too.Stop worrying so much.Keep smiling and order us."said aNakul and Panchali smirked.

"I am your wife,why would I order you? I said you many times not to say this to me."scolded Panchali.

"Areey ,why ? Why you can't? No tell me ,what will you even order us more? Maybe you would say to kiss you or hug you or more possibly to take you outside.Or else? "asked aArjun confused.

"Yeah but still what will people hear that a wife will order husband? In fact ,this is wrong to think about this."said Panchali.

"So maturity?"questioned aSahadev joking.

"So,miss mature.Tell us who will hear us and why we even care for them? "asked aNakul.

"Arya,you five always behave like child."complained Panchali.

"So, should we love you according to people?"asked aYudisthir looking at her eyes making her blush.

"Why are you lowing eyes darling? Please tell us should we do that?"asked aBheem making her more shy.

"What are you saying ? Huhh!!"questioned Mata Kunti entering and they did a gap.

"Mata,how you tolerated Aryas when they were child?"asked Panchali irritating and Mata shared looks with her.

"Why what they did now?"asked Mata Kunti and Pandavas made innocent faces.

"Nothing Mata,we were just making her calm.She is worrying for no reason."said aBheem and Mata Kunti caressed her hair.

"It's very common in pregnancy but don't worry putri.By His grace, everything will be fine."said Mata Kunti.

Draupadi nodded looking at Mata Kunti.Such a graceful lady ,she didn't know her still she accepted wholeheartedly Panchali as her daughter-in-law and taking care like a real mother.

Panchali had tears and she wiped it.

"Did my sons hurt you Putri?"asked Mata Kunti concerned.

"No Mata."said Panchali hugging her .

"You are really a great mother ,Mata.I don't know will I be able to but I will try to be a mother like you,mata."confessed Panchali.

"Oh crazy girl,all mothers are great.Being a mother is a bless.And I know you will be great too."said Mata kissing her forehead.

"Mata,we are also here."said aArjun innocently.

"Yeah Mata.Don't you want us anymore? All love and care for her only?"complained aYudisthir while they looked shocked at him.

"Why are you looking at me like this? I also need Mata."said aYudisthir as Mata Kunti and Panchali started laughing.

"Why wouldn't I love her more? Me ,Madri and Arya had wished for a daughter especially Madri!! Though we didn't get a daughter but you are with us.Trust me,what am I doing? You will forget me meeting with Madri,Putri."said Mata Kunti cupping her cheeks and Panchali,who was dreaming of Hastinapur and it's people.Her real place,she is afraid that people will accept her or not!! She is also waiting for her new family.

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