Part 10

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"Dear,get ready soon."informed aArjun as Draupadi smirked.

"Who is coming,Arya?From yesterday,you are being so hurry but won't you tell me who is coming?"asked Draupadi.

"Surprise!"laughed Pandavas giving Draupadi a shock.

"You will see when they will come."said aYudisthir assuring Draupadi.

"Ok."nodded Draupadi.

"I am coming,Arya."excused Draupadi.

"Where are you going,priye?"asked aSahadev.

"To check the dishes one last time."informed Draupadi.

"Ufffff, Panchali.How more will you check on food?You made so deliciously."said aArjun.

"Still I need to check."said Draupadi.

"Ok,Devi.Go and check and come soon."permitted aBheem smiling.

Draupadi was going to kitchen alone.The place has been decorated so nicely but also so creepy.Draupadi isn't able to think actually who are coming.But whatever, Draupadi could sense they are very powerful and have a great effect on Pandavas and Mata Kunti.

Mata Kunti maybe addressed them as jiji, Draupadi heard  saying Mata Kunti and becoming tensed for Draupadi.

So, it's quite possible that they won't accept Draupadi.But whatever the realation between them, Draupadi considers them as own and Draupadi will make all possible to make them happy, that's final.Not only food, everything has been checked properly by Draupadi.

Draupadi was thinking all this suddenly heard a sound and Draupadi turned to see but nothing found.

Draupadi thought it nothing then started going.But Draupadi stopped hearing the sound again.This can't be illusion.

Draupadi again looked back and saw something black coloured wrenching with blue eyes hanging in the rod of the table and moving.

Draupadi again looked back and saw something black coloured wrenching with blue eyes hanging in the rod of the table and moving

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But Draupadi couldn't figure out what the thing was and Draupadi went near the table slowly.As Draupadi went very close to the table to figure out what the thing is really,the deadly snake opened its mouth to bite Draupadi.

As Draupadi went very close to the table to figure out what the thing is really,the deadly snake opened its mouth to bite Draupadi

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Draupadi screamed to no need.All body parts of Draupadi became numb.

"Panchali?"Mata Kunti and Pandavas came running fearly.

"Panchali!"Pandavas hug Draupadi tightly but Draupadi is shivering due to fear.

"Putri, What happened?"asked Mata Kunti touching Draupadi's hair.

"Sn...a...!"Draupadi kept shivering more in fear.Draupadi never thought in dream to see the scene.A second late, Draupadi would gone.

"What?"questioned Mata Kunti not understanding this.

Pandavas glaring the room what made Draupadi so afraid?

"Oh!It's it."smiled aNakul.

Everyone looked at the snake and smiled.

"It's nothing."said aNakul taking the snake in arms.

"Huh? What a.r.e y.o.u i.t,Arya."requested Draupadi crying still afraid dead.

"Hey, don't cry."said aArjun to Draupadi pushing a bit assuring it's nothing.

"Arya,leave it."Draupadi just crying and begging to aNakul.

"Just chill,baby.It will do nothing."informed aNakul touching the snake's head lovingly.

"It has just come to visit you, darling.And you afraid?"joked aYudisthir.

"Huh?"uttered Draupadi standing still.

"Won't you welcome us?"an unfamiliar voice came from outside.

Pandavas smiled looking at the door.Draupadi is still shocked what is happening,who has come.

"Jiji",called Mata Kunti and run to the door along with Pandavas.

Draupadi doesn't know about them just looking.Draupadi saw five women standing at the door smiling but they are not normal at all.Their eyes have fire,they can destroy anything.(Who have read 'Love Between Pandavas-Panchali' from the first,they already understood who are they actually!)

"Putri,they are......"Mata Kunti was cut off by.....................................................................

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