Part 25

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"First Karn ,then Yudisthir,Vrishsena and now Panchali 's unborn baby. "gritted Matasree Shakuni.

"Don't bring the children mamasree.My competitors are my brothers not their children."said Duryodhan.

"Ok as you wish."agreed he .

"Brothers!! If you can't get rid of brotherhood,you will never get a chance to ascend the throne."said Mamasree to himself.

"I will make you the king of Hastinapur at any cost. I will do anything for that even killing innocent lives."promised Mamasree Shakuni.

"Add this to her food and especially make sure she have this."ordered Mamasree Shakuni to his dassi.
Firstly she was afraid but he gave her some coins and she admitted.

Then the dassi went from there .

"Arya,how many times I have told you to teach me horse riding?"questioned annoyingly Panchali.

"Is this situation!" exclaimed aNakul with big eyes.

"Once our baby comes,then I will teach you both together."promised aNakul.

"If something happens to me...."expressed Panchali sadly.

"Then you think we will be alive?"asked aNakul taking her into lap.

"I am so afraid Arya.As soon as time is going,my fear is increasing for my baby."expressed the beloved wife of Pandavas.

"Don't worry. We are with you. The Almighty will be with us."said aYudisthir.

"We will be a very happy family dear."smiled aArjun giving her a kiss.

At that time ,a person knocked informed that they has been summoned by Pitamah Bhishma.

"Ok we are coming."informed aYudisthir.

At that time ,a dassi also came with almond milk .

"That's nice. When we will come,we want you to finish this."said aBheem giving her that glass.

Panchali made an angry face that she wouldn't. She doesn't like milk still they are giving her three  time this almond milk . She won't drink anymore.

"I just ate apple , mango and so much. I won't.You plz go."informed Panchali.

"I know sweetie,you aren't foodie like bharata Bheem. You are a person. ..."taunted aNakul to his brother who looked at him and started "But for your and our baby's health,you have to ."

"You mean I amn't human?"questioned Vrikodhar angrily whereas the five were eagerly waiting for their enjoyable moment.

"Haaaaa. I didn't mean that bharata. But ......."stopped he making his more angry.

"But??? Have you seen yourself  ?? And me?? I am the most strongest Rajkumar.None can beat me in Gadayudh.Remind it."said aBheem showing him his weapon.

"And I amn't less . I am the most handsome man..."aNakul was cut off by Draupadi 's look who gave him a serious look making him sweating.

"Come on ,say more Arya that every maiden die for you!!" asked Draupadi and now the other brothers were enjoying these scenes.

Of course,she is calm, innocent. For her these values she was able to made Pandavas fall in love with her. They just wish that her patience ,careful, innocence should be always remain in her. The fire inside Pandavas can be only calm by her innocence and care.

But she is a wife and a wife a like a volcanic Crater.If her husband tells about any woman,she won't think a bit to show him her that side . Actually it's not jealousy, it's love. Only lucky person can get this love from the partner. This comes from the possessiveness ,the fear of losing the person you love .

Pandavas loves that. She loves them. She fears to lose them. She craves for their attraction.

"I didn't mean that.We can talk later dear."promised aNakul kissing her.

"We want this glass empty when we will back."said aArjun and they started leaving the room when little Vrishasena came giggling.

" My tiger ,"called aYudisthir and took him in arms.

"I want to play with choti Mata . Chaya is sleeping kakasree."informed he .

"Oowww. Definitely you can ."said aSahadev taking him in lap.

The Pandav brothers aren't in a good term. They are likely divided in two parts but only these little angels can put them together. Karn's children are like Pandavas 's own child. From birth to now ,they were loved and cared by Pandavas . The children are also so close with them.  Their all tantrums are tolerated by them.

"When will my sibling come kakasree? I will play with him. "said he .

"Chaya is everytime sleepy. I can't play with her."added he.

"You can play with me till then baby."said Panchali waving hands to her .

He gone to her .

"Seriously,a child is the best gift of God to parents. They lighten their lives."said Panchali touching her big belly in one hand and another was touching Vrishasena 's cheeks.

Pandavas went from there.

Suddenly,his eyes fall on the milk .

"Matasree,"called he but didn't said anything as it was for her.

It's said that a man becomes father when the baby is born but a woman becomes mother from when she bear the child in herself. A mother knows about her child.

He is also a son of her. She knows that he loves almond milk and she is full now.She won't drink that.

Panchali smiled and made him drink the poisonous milk by herself unknowingly.

He was very happy and Panchali unknowing anything.

"Mata , should I go to check Chaya if she has woke up or not?"asked he.

"Ok go dear ."said Panchali.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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