Part 23

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"Hm,your beauty has made Pandavas crazy for you and your innocence and purity will  always force them to stand  together for you dear."expressed Chitrangada.

Panchali smiled.

"Thanks Rajkumari.But I am nothing without them."said Panchali.

"Ohhh hooo,so much love for your husbands?"Can't wait single moment without seeing them, Panchali?"teased Devika and she blushed.

"Not only love princess!! I can sacrifice myself for them.They are more than anything to me.If they wouldn't help me,I don't know where would I be?"frightened Panchali.

"Let bygones be bygones.Now think about yourself,your family Panchali."consoled Karunamoti and she nodded.

"You got a dream family Panchali.All girls don't get such in-laws."smiled Valandhara touching her cheeks and her face dull.


"It's right time for you to achieve what is yours."informed Maharaj Draupad to Karn.

"Pandavas are enjoying in Hastinapur with their one wife who is pregnant."added Dristridyumna .

"It's not wrong in Bhishma's eyes? The whole family showed love to them from beginning but Karn,he is also Maharaj Pandu's son,they forget that. If he did something good,they made that bad and torture him, separate him from everything."complained Maharaj angrily.

"Their all rules for  Bharata Karn , it's proved again.Otherwise ,how Pandavas can live there with one wife? Has history ever seen that? And as long I know ,their wife isn't from any royal blood ,she is just an ordinary lady.God knows which clan is she form?"said Satyajit disgusted.

"Putr Karn,you are more than my sons to me.This is your decision what you will do or not but I will suggest you to go in that hell , Hastinapur again ,for your children.
Do you want your children to suffer?"questioned sadly Maharaj Draupad.

"Bharata Satyajit ,we will leave for Hastinapur soon.Make arrangements."ordered Karn thinking about his children.

"I am always with you Putr."said Maharaj hugging him.

"I know Mamasree.You are my only well-wisher."said Karn.


After four days,they reached in Hastinapur.Everyone gathered in the main gate.

"Dadima." uttered Vrishasena and Chaya (fictional daughter of Karn and Urvi.Urvi died after giving birth of Chaya ).

"Oo my sweethearts.I missed you so much."said Mata Madri and hugged them.

"How are you both ,dear!"asked Mata Kunti kissing their cheeks.

"Very good ,Dadima.We missed you too dadima."said Vrishasena.

"Hey my superhero!!!"said aBheem and took him in arms who started giggling.

"Who is she ,Kaksreee?"asked Chaya to Dhananjaya pointing towards Panchali .

"She is your another mother,putri."informed aYudisthir taking her near Panchali.

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