Part 5

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"Kill Draupadi wherever you find her."ordered Draupad Naresh to his guards.

"Pitasree,why?please don't be so rude?"requested Prince Drishtidyumna.

"You shut up.She have to die.If Hastinapur would know that I have a daughter and I wanted her to get married with Pandavas,you think they will leave me?They will come to kill me and attack Kamphilaya."informed tensely King Naresh.

"But Pitasree,you have already abandon her.Then why kill her?"questioned son of King  Naresh, Draupadi.

"You are just a fool.Again she create another problem for me,she must have to die."stated King Naresh,Draupad.


"Hey, listen ,have you saw any girl here wearing green dress like royal?"asked the killer to a man.Actually,the man is new brother of Draupadi who is trying his hard to make his family happy.

"No,no,I didn't."lied the man.

"Ok if you are lying,then remember,it won't be good for you."ordered the soilder.

"No,no.Why would I lie?I didn't saw anybody.But why are searching her?"asked beggingly the man.

"King has ordered to kill her.Ok,we are going other sides.If you see her,then inform us."ordered the killer and went to other side.

The man was numb , Draupadi had told Everything,one moment,he denied to believe all this and other moment,he feels so helpless that what should he do?
He went to the hut.

"Draupadi, Draupadi,"screamed the man.

"Bharata,what happened?"asked Draupadi.

"You can't stay here.You will have to go from here, right now."ordered the man.

"What happened, bharata?Why are you trembling?"asked confused Draupadi and made sit him to down.

"Putr,why are you asking her to go?Where would she go?"asked the Mata coming from inside the house.

"Mata,first you sit with him.Chutki,give water to bharata."Draupadi said concerned and went inside the kitchen.

"Mata,King has ordered to kill her.Killers are searching for her,they would kill her if they found her.She needs a safe place right now.That's why,she have to go."said the man to his mother in one breath before Draupadi appears.

"What are saying,Putr?Where would she go now?"asked the mother.Draupadi had no relation with them still which were blooming between them it was more than any blood-relation.

"Bharata,have water."Draupadi came.

He took the water and drink but the duo was looking at Draupadi emotionally.Now,who would take care of Draupadi ? Always behaves like children,how would tolerate Draupadi or love?

"Why are you staring me?What happened?and what were you asking me to go?"asked Draupadi.

"Putri,"called the mother and hugged Draupadi tightly crying.

"Would you please tell me what happened?"requested Draupadi.

"You have to .g.o..a..wa..y fr..o.m...u...s."said the mata.

"Mata,"Draupadi shocked.

"Did I do any mistake?Then punish me but don't tell me to go away from you."cried Draupadi.

"No,sister.You are very good,nice.You did nothing.But yet,you will have to go from here for your safety."said the man.

"Jiji would go?Why?why can't she stay with us?"asked the little sister shockingly and confused.

"Try to understand,dear."said the man.

"First,you said why? Otherwise I will d.i.e."uttered Draupadi.

"No,dear.For your safety,we are saying this.You don't say this."said the woman.

"But why?"asked Draupadi again.

"Listen,if you love us,then please go away from here,never come here.Otherwise,we will die."said the man and locked himself in the room as he knows Draupadi, Draupadi never thought about ownself,and after knowing that own father has hired men to kill,then......

"Bharata......"Draupadi was calling.

"You please don't be angry on him.Try to understand the situation,please.You are royal and we are poor.We can make bond with you.Please go,dear."said the woman making Draupadi more cry.Draupadi had found a family,but it's also abandon Draupadi.

"Jiji,you don't worry."the girl was cut off by her mother,"Come."The mother took her daughter but before that,she blessed Draupadi for a blissful life ahead.

Draupadi was standing there sometime but then thinking about many things, Draupadi came out from there.

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