drunk shuichi (fluff ❤)

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Kokichi pov-
Today was shuichi's birthday I Was spending time with my boyfriend but Kaito asked shuichi to go to the bar with him course I let him go I mean it was it birthday and he was old enough to take care of himself he left at 8:00pm its been 5 hours since he left I was waiting for him to come home I was about to sleep but as soon as I lay down I heard Kaito telling shuichi to Quiet down In front of the door

Kaito pov - I just drove shuichi to his house because he was really wasted and I also have to go back home because if I don't maki with kill me for real tho anyways as I got to shuichi and kokichi's door, shuichi was making so much Noise I had to him to Quiet down because everyone was asleep in their own houses as i was about to open the door it all ready open and there was kokichi

kokichis- pov i opened the door to see shuichi and kaito my eyes mainly go to shuichi he couldn't stand on his own aw how cute

hey kaito

hey ko

so i see shuichi is um..

yeah he got so drunk he wouldn't stop talking about you oh and here take him i have to go back home before maki-roll Kills me

oh yeah sure

As i took shuichi from kaito's arms damn was he heavy anyways after saying bye to kaito I took shuichi into the house and after closing the door shuichi woke up

WheRe I am i ?

Oh hey shu

hOW.. Do yOu knoW my ..... naME

Oh my god..

AnYway I HaVe tO get HomE tO my BeAutiful bOyfriend

Well shu I am your boyfriend

nO yoU aren't mY boyfrieND

Well yes I am


Yes shu



WhY dO yoU lOok likE hIm?!!

Because I am him

NO i'mA cAll hIm

As shuichi called my phone rang oh boy

HeY babe

Yes shu?

ThERe thIs gUy thaT looKs likE yoU shouLd I truSt hiM???

I say ummmm..



Trust him shu

OH oKay byE loVe yOu

Love you to shu :)

YoU thE guY thAt looKs likE mY boyfrieND

Yes shu

mY boyfrieND saiD tO truSt yoU sO whaT yoU wanT mE tO dO!?

Oh well I need you to go to bed and sleep and for tomorrow I can drive you to your boyfriend "aka me" I whispered

OH oKay

Timeskip by moeee

After shu put his head on the pillow he fell asleep I kissed him in the forehead

Good night shu I love you


WOWW I TOOK FOR EVERR I'm so sorry sometimes I got lazy but as I'm writing this is 1.06am in the morning I funny finished it again so sorry anyways hAve an amazing day and remember to drink water eat something and sleep anyways ByE and have an wonderful day see ya soon love you guys talk and thank and sorry

•Word count •

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