what a day am i right!

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It was a lovely morning kokichi woke up by the sun hitting his face " i thought i told Shuichi to close the blinds before going to sleep.." kokichi to himself. Kokichi got up and when to their closet to put on some fresh clothes after that he woke up Shuichi so he can be just on time for his new job interview also to get ready and be early and on time!


" Shuichi wake up"


"You need to wake up for your new job interview and i want you to be ready on time and not be late!"

"Ahh.. yes the job interview"

"Well while you get ready im going to you some breakfast!"

"Okay then love see you downstairs!"
"Alright then"


"Yeah what is it Shuichi?"

"You forgot my morning kiss"

"O-oh yeah !"

"Heh you face got red"

"S-shut up.."


"Alright for real this time I'ma go
Okay then!"

"Okay then!"

"Try not to be late or else no breakfast for you~!"

As kokichi says that he closes the door and goes downstairs to the kitchen

As kokichi heads down the kitchen while going downstairs he could of sworn that he said an "ouch" and it sounded like shuichi.. kokichi brushed it off thinking it was just his mind messing with him after that happened kokichi goes to the kitchen he starts to cooking without thinking about what happened earlier.

As kokichi making breakfast trying not to burn down the kitchen. As he was cooking eggs for Shuichi, kokichi heard this big bang from upstairs, kokichi jump of the loud noise that came from upstairs just to hear Shuichi scream "Sorry i fell down!"

Kokichi of course being worried scream "are you okay?!" Shuichi scream back "Yeah I'm okay !" Kokichi yelled back "Okay when your done, come downstairs for breakfast! "Shuichi yelled "i will do so thank you love!"

Kokichi goes back to making breakfast "well that was something i guess?" Kokichi thought to himself after finishing up breakfast just on time Shuichi came downstairs to eat his breakfast and to go to work "hey shu' kokichi says "hello love!"

Shuichi said back " well.. are you excited for your new job interview?" Kokichi said "well im really excited because i finally get to work as a detective! Well let's see if i get the job first that is..." Shuichi said a bit nervous

"awe Shuichi it's okay just don't think negative " kokichi said reassuring Shuichi to not think so negatively " thanks, i really needed that.." Shuichi said smiling at kokichi "heh.." kokichi chuckled "oh what time is it?"

Shuichi said happily eating his burned eggs "uh.." kokichi said while getting his phone out of his pocket "it's 7:45!"
"Oh okay then" Shuichi said calmly "wait 7:45?!" Shuichi said again shocked

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