flower crown for you !

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Kokichis POV - I was in the garden playing around with gonta for a bit because Shuichi was busy which. I didn't really mind though I really wanted to spend time together with him but that's okay I guess.

Anyway gonta found this place full with flowers. And damn let me tell you how pretty they all look, some of them are blue,pink,purple,white,etc yk the basic colors of flower.

I was thinking with my superbig brain i have here, on what to do with the all these flowers i mean i could just leave them alone. Or i can do something special with them let me see...

Gonta- "Gonta thinks that kokichi should make something out of flowers!"

Kokichi- "yes Gonta i was already thinking about that."

Gonta - "Gonta says that him and kokichi should make a flower crown for Shuichi!"

Kokichi- "that's actually a good idea Gonta!"

Gonta- "Gonta with pick up any types of flowers just tell Gonta what kokichi needs!"

Kokichi- "alright then I'm going to need blue and white flowers."

Gonta- "okay kokichi gonta will now go and find the blue and white flowers !"

Kokichi- "yeah yeah and hurry up while your at it."

              • 10 minutes later •

Gonta- " Gonta is here sorry that Gonta took a long time it was very hard to pick them for gonta when there was a lot of bees ."

Kokichi- "it's okay i guess anyway do you have the flowers?"

Gonta- Ah yes gonna had the Flowers Gonta put them in this basket here kokichi !"

Kokichi- "mhm.. thank you Gonta bye see you i don't know later i guess."

Gonta- "okay bye kokichi!"

After that i was walking to my dorm to make the flower crown and i found Shuichi. Crap i have to hide theses flowers from him it is a surprise for him i can't have him knowing i mean he's literally a detective for god sakes.

Shuichi- " oh kokichi hello!"

Kokichi- HEYY.. Shuichi !"

Shuichi- "are you okay kokichi ..?"

Kokichi-" oh umm me ? I mean yeah I'm okay !"

Shuichi- "oh alright then i was taking a break from detective work wanna come with me and have a snack ?"

Kokichi - "ah.. well i would love to but uh.."

Kokichis mind-
Um.. what do i tell him uh....i mean i could go with him but then the flowers will probably die from my dark room.. Quick think kokichi... Oh i see kaito walking near us perfect!

Shuichi- "kokichi are you there ..?"

Kokichi - oh well my Shuichi~~ i would love to but uh ..!"

Grabs kaito by the arm before he leaves*

Kokichi- " i think kaito would love to go with you instead right kaito..?"

Kaito- "woah wait what ...?"

Kokichi- i said kaito will love to go with you ..!"

Kaito - but i didn't say anythi-

I go to kaito bend him down  and i go to his ear while pinching his arms

Kokichi-" listen here space idiot your going with Shuichi and you guys are getting a snack weather you like it or not and to be honest I don't care what you think, you will go you hear me or do i have to repeat myself ?"

Kaito " i hear please let go of my arm before I start to cry..!"

Kokichi- " ugh fine you crybaby."

Shuichi- you guys I'm still here .. ehe"

Kokichi- " oh right anyway Shuichi my love you and kaito go get a snack I'll see you later tonight byee."

Shuichi- " okay then bye.. anyway i guess it's you and me kaito this will be fun right..?"

Kaito- "yes it will let's go Shuichi !"

Shuichi-" okay !"

No one's POV-

After Shuichi and Katie left, kokichi went to go make the flower crown with the blue and white flowers while that dinner was called but he didn't want to go.

He was hungry but he wanted to finish the flower crown he'll eat later like a snack. After a few hours straight he finally finished the flower crown yay for him !!

After he was done he went to shuichi's dorm to see if he was awake Yk



Shuichi- 'hello my love !"

Kokichi- " HEYY my beloved !"

Shuichi- " come on kokichi!"

Kokichi- " yep ! "

Shuichi- so how was your da-"

Kokichi- it was good anyway shu can you bend down a bit !"

Shuichi- "oh um okay .."

Kokichi puts the flower crown on Shuichi

Kokichi-" okay go look in the bathroom and see if you like it !"

Shuichi- " what's on my hea-"

Kokichi- " Shuichi just go to the bathroom.."

Shuichi- " okay!"

Kokichi-" do.. do you like it ..?"

Shuichi-" my love it's beautiful but not as beautiful as you hon ."

Kokichi- " aw Shuichi your making me blush !"

Shuichi- " that was my goal my love ."

Kokichi- "your too pretty "

Shuichi- " thank you my love "

Kokichi- " your welcome !"

Shuichi- was this the reason you didn't want to get a snack with me ?"

Kokichi- " actually yeah that's true i didn't want the Flowers to die or turn a ugly color, I'm glad you like it !"

Shuichi- " i don't like it."

Kokichi- "huh..?"

Shuichi- " i love it ."

Kokichi- " you almost gave me a heart attack love"

Shuichi- " I'm sorry about that my love."

Kokichi- " it's okay Shuichi."

Shuichi- " wanna go to bed now kokichi ?"

Kokichi- " sure I'm feeling kinda of tried to be honest who knew that a making a flower crown took so much energy out of you ."

Shuichi- " who knows my love ."

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