who said i was joking ?

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Are you gay Shuichi

Umm yes....well.. no I'm bisexual ..

Wanna make out then


haha. I was just joking Shuichi !


Or was i ~ ?

OUMA-KUN.... Stop playing around....

Ah okay then Shuichi since your being a meanie! I Kokichi ouma! Will go make out with rantaro !

Huh...? Wait!..

Shuichi stop being jealous! But for real I'm going to make out with rantaro orrr!!

Your best friend~?

Shuichi was going to stop kokichi but he already left he was kinda jealous but he doesn't know if kokichi was joking or not he really is hard to read..

Kokichi was not joking about making out with rantaro orrr Kaito

Or was he?

Nah he wasn't

I mean this is a saiouma book 😋

He was joking !

But he had a plan to make Shuichi confess his un dieing love forr kokichi !

But he needed the ultimate cosplayer for that .

Heyy four eyes !

What Kokichi?

Well i need you to make a cosplay of Moe !

What why?!

*Okay so i want Shuichi to confess his un dieing love to Moe but in order for that!

Oh you need him to be jealous?..


Anyway i need 2 outfit of the same of mines and  2 wigs that looks like mine hair!

But why do you need 2 outfits of yourself and 2 wigs?

Ah well i accidentally told Shuichi that i going to make out with rantaro And Kaito i and told him that i was not joking but course i never kiss Kaito ewww but rantaro is okayy but i don't see him like that i see him more like a brother!

Oh but who will cosplay as you?

Oh right... Umm

Maybe keebo i know he has a crush on rantaro and maybe maki i think she won't but if it's Kaito she probably say yes!!

Aweee cute alright then i shall help you!

Wanna help me to help you ?

No no it's okay kokichi thank you tho byee !!

When will there be done?

Umm in hour or so ?

Oh okay then byee !!!

As kokichi was running out of the ultimate cosplayer room he ran into rantaro

Oh hey kichi how are you ?

Oh hey ran I'm doing good how about youuu !!!

Well I'm doing alright oh i just wanted to let yo-

Oh rantaro i need you to come with me like right now !

Oh alright then where ?

Umm.. my room !

Oh okay then !

At kokichi's room 🕺*

Soo i need you to do me a favor !!

Umm what is it ?

Soooo i need you to make out with me.

I- huh what?

I was joking geez

Oh good then what's the favor ?

Ok so "insert what he told the ultimate cosplayer*

Okay okay wait !

Wait what ran ?

So you want to to make out with keebo?!

Well duh ?

Well Is keebo okay with that ?

Well i don't know i was going to ask him but i ran into so i told you first but i promise when you I'll text or call keebo to make sure he is okay with it okay ?

Umm.. fine then well i have to go now bye kichi !

Bye ran !!

Has rantaro was walking out of kokichi's room he saw

Shuichi wait for him ...

*Did he follow me or something..?*

Hey rantaro.

Uhh. Hey Shuichi?

So did you have fun ?

Fun with what ?

Oh please don't play dumb

Umm i don't know what you mean ?

Well since you don't now what I'm talking about I'll tell you.

Um okay ?

Was it fun making out with kokichi.

*Oh God what do i say umm do i go with kokichi's plan or do i just like umm.. lie ...**

Yeah it was fun he was a really good kisser.

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