i really love you !(2)

154 5 1

They are in the killing game :((
Angst, fluff :D
Rantaro is alive i love him to much leave me alone ಥ‿ಥ

No ones POV -

As Shuichi was walking back to his dorm to get ready for the workout, he Heard crying..?

Hm.. i wonder who is crying this late at night..

Shuichi kept walking near the crying and it was someone's dorm..

It was ...


Shuichi wanted to see if rantaro was okay..

So he went to rantaro's dorm as he was about to knock on the door rantaro opened it first.

"Oh hello Shuichi !"

"Oh um hello ..?"

"Why were you about to knock on my door do you need something ..?"

"I well.. i heard crying from your dorm and i was wondering if you were okay?"

"Oh no I'm okay i wasn't crying..?"

"Oh well then why did i hear crying from your dorm..?"

"Oh.. i um.. it just probably you .."

"You sure?.."

"Mhm I'm sure Shuichi."

"Ah well okay then.. oh goodnight rantaro..!"

"Okay goodnight Shuichi see you in the morning.!"

Shuichi's POV-

Mm that was really weird all i know is that i did hear someone crying in rantaro's dorm I'm not just hearing things or am I..? No snap out of it Shuichi you did hear crying your mind is not messing around with you..

Yeah your mind isn't messing around with me...?

Rantaro's POV-

Damnit that close.. hey kokichi are you alright little dude..?

No.. I'm not ran..

Well what can I do to make you feel better..?

I would.. like a hug.. please...

Aw sure come here ko..

Imagine rantaro and kokichi hugging (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ

You feel better ko..?

Kinda.. i guess thank you..

Do you maybe wanna go back to your dorm i can carry you if you want..

I would like that.. thank again rantaro i don't know what i would do without you..

It's okay I'll will Always be by your side ko !

Mhm.. thank you.. now carry me you peasant..!

Haha alrighty then come on

Has i was carrying kokichi back to his dorm damn God must hate me because I saw Miu.. i mean if she saw me carrying Kokichi she might get the wrong idea.. oh damnit she saw me..

Oi hey why are you carrying Kokichi like that did you guys fuck ?!??!!

God no he just fell asleep Miu ..


there goes Miu she is now running away.

Oh well i'll just explained everyone what really happened..

As i was walking to Kokichi's dorm there i saw Kaito dam the world must really hate me..

"Oh um hey rantaro.."

"Oh hello Katio !"

"So um why are you carrying Kokichi like that i did you guys..?"

"Oh my god No we didn't he just fell asleep .."

"oh okay then goodnight Rantaro !"


Anyway I finally got to Kokichi's dorm i put him on his bed and i got tired myself so i slept on Kokichi's bed to i mean this isn't the first i ever done this also kokichi does not mind it at all i mean we are best friend..

The next morning :)

I woke up next to kokichi

Morning kichi...

Mmm.. oh.. morning rantaro...

How you did you sleep..

Mm. better i guess mainly because your here...

Aw thanks kichi..

Mhm .. can we go .. back .. to sleep now ..

Oh well i guess we can

Can we cuddle..

I... Alright..

Come here kichi..


Sleeping noises :D

Knock *

Hey kokichi it's me gonta..


Kokichi ... ?


Kokichi are you okay..?

Knock *

Gonta sorry but I'm breaking the door .. kokichi gonta needs to know if your okay...


There he saw kokichi and Rantaro cuddling..

I... Kokichi ...?

Mm.. what gonta..

Gonta wants to know why is Rantaro on your bed.. and why are you guys cuddling..

I.. just get out gonta I'm trying to sleep...

I.. okay.. bye..

Yeah.. yeah bye..

Who was that ko..

Oh that was gonta don't worry about it..

Oh well we have to get up before anyone thinks i murdered you ha..

Yeah yeah I know Rantaro..

Well I'm going to get change don't look

Mhm i know..

°after getting change°

Let's go shall we kichi

Mhm but carry me...

Yeah yeah...


To be continued 😋....

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