why did you have to go...(2)

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Hello this is part 2
They are in the killing game ಥ‿ಥ
Angst (ᗒᗩᗕ)

Shuichi's POV-

As I was walking back to my dorm I saw the purple little gremlin walking to his I was kind of wondering why was he out so late it's better if I just mind my own business for now. Maybe I can say hi to him maybe I should leave him alone mainly my heart told me to say hi to him so that's what I did.

Hey kokichi ..

Oh hey Shuichi !!

Kokichi came up and hugged me..
He is so adorable.. and cute..
His smile.. his laugh.. his voice everything about him is beautiful..


Oh did i say that out loud..

Oh yeah you kinda did.. heh


Awe mister detective loves me !!

I- no i don't.. !!

Yesss you do Shuichi !!

I.. so what if i do ...



What.. your not lying right Shuichi..?

Tears started to fall down Kokichi's eyes..

No I'm not lying I really do love you...
It's more like I fell in love with you more days we spend time together when we hung out the moments we had together we're all special to me because I really do love you kokichi...

YOU IDIOT ... No no no no no you can't.. You can't fall in love with me ... You can't Shuichi.. what if i die.. You'll be heartbroken and i don't want that for you ... But the problem is i also fell in love you to..

So you like me back ..?

Yes Shuichi i do..

And i-

Everything that cutt of because Kokichi stopped talking..

Kokichi.. ?

Kokichi ....??

Hello you okay kokichi ??

I.. love... You. To.. Shuichi......

And there Kokichi fell on the floor ...

Is ...

Dead ..?

No he can't die...

No..no.. i don't believe kokichi ouma is dead no he can't and if so how ?..
How did he die..

I was lost in thoughts untill Angie come out of her room..

What's with the noises Shuichi ..!
Auta wouldn't like it if you woke him up ..!!

Oh.. my auta...


Oh my god Shuichi do something !!

I couldn't move..

I can't feel anything..

Kokichi ouma the love of my life is dead... No he can't..
Be dead no..

I saw a knife on kokichi's back..

I walked up to it and grabbed it..

Held it to my stomach

All I can hear was Angie telling me no please don't do it no please shuichi don't do it..!

I couldn't live on i mean who could when the love of your life has died right in front of you you couldn't do anything about it all you could do is just stand and stare, State of shock that's how I felt..

But I wonder who did it..

Who killed him..

Why would someone kill kokichi..

Why him..

Why not someone else..

Why not me ..



Why did you have to go...

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