please let's go the park!

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It was a really hot day and kokichi was really bored he wanted to go somewhere since last time he couldn't because Shuichi"s boss called him to come cover for someone. Since it's a Saturday it's Shuichi day off maybe if Kokichi can Convince Shuichi to go somewhere.. somewhere nice,to walk around maybe! Good that's the plan

1. Convince Shuichi to go out.

Kokichi runs to the living room and see's Shuichi reading.. "god why he is such a nerd" kokichi thought to himself anyway kokichi goes to Shuichi and well there goes nothing!

"Hey Shuichi..?" Kokichi says nervously.
"What did you do this time kokichi?" Shuichi says taking off his reading glasses "no i didn't do nothing this time.." kokichi says "okay then what's up love?" Shuichi says while smiling at kokichi. Kokichi blushes he doesn't see Shuichi smile a lot around him.. " Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me..? Kokichi says without realizing that he said that out loud.

"I-i kokichi!.." Shuichi says while covering his red face. "Ah no.. i didn't mean to say that out loud sorry Shuichi!" Kokichi says "no no it's okay..!" Shuichi says still red "okay then in that case! Can we please go out!" Kokichi says excited "but kokichi it's my da-" Shuichi says in the middle of talking when he get cut off. "Day off i know Shuichi but please.. I'm bored and maybe we can go to the park and walk around!" Kokichi says.

"Mm.." Shuichi says thinking about it "please Shuichi tomorrow i won't bother you!" Kokichi says knowing damn well he's lying that he not gonna bother Shuichi. "Well maybe going out doesn't sound so bad.. alright then let's go!" Shuichi saying "yay thank you Shuichi your the best boyfriend!" As kokichi saids that he gives a quick kiss on the lips and runs to get his shoes. "I.. your welcome love !"

1. Convince Shuichi to go out. ✓
2. get Shuichi to buy ice ream

Time Skip- in the car

Well put your seatbelt on and we can go ! Shuichi says "alright then mines on now!" Kokichi says excited to go out. "Alright then let's go" Shuichi saying putting his keys in the car "alright let's go to park then!"

Sorry is was so short i just kinda ran out of ideas and besides that i wrote a new story and I'm kinda putting all my time on that new book so I'm very sorry I'm taking forever, thank you and goodbye!

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