still in bed huh?

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It was night time and Shuichi had a long day and all he wanted to do is lay down and sleep with his husband but then again his husband is really energetic and needs a lot of attention and Shuichi  understood that.

As Shuichi was driving back home he got a call from kokichi "what did he do now.." Shuichi thought in his head "Shuichi..?" Kokichi said in a worried tone "it's Shuichi, kokichi what's wrong?" Shuichi said

"Shuichi you finally answered!" ... "Well why wouldn't i be kokichi?, "Ah.. well it's like already 12 you always come home around 10-11..?"..

"I'm sorry love i got got caught up with work" kokichi knew that he was lying.. " Are you sure, if it's anything else you do know that you can tell me anything right..? Shuichi sighed " yes kokichi i know, I'll be home around 5 minutes".. "oh okay then see you ho-" Shuichi hung up the phone he didn't mean to he was just tired and hopefully kokichi understood why..

Time skip

As Shuichi pulled up in the drive way he noticed that the lights were off. "Hm the lights are always on, because kokichi always waits for me to get home.

Shuichi brushed it off thinking he was just overthinking. Now as Shuichi was getting his keys from his pockets the door opened so quickly that it kinda shook Shuichi.. he walked in the house and it was dark..?

" Hello..?"

"Who's there?"

"Kokichi come out"

"Please don't scare me..?"

"BOO!" Kokichi said what of no where
"HOLY shit!" Shuichi said his heart beats as quick as a cheetah ran " kokichi don't scare me like that ever again.."
Shuichi said in a kinda annoyed voice.
" Yeah yeah now c'mon let's go to bed!"
Kokichi said exciting because his husband is finally home from a long day of work. "Yeah yeah sure" Shuichi said in a tired tone. "Yay now c'mon!" Kokichi said in a happy but also in  a sleepy tone

As they got to their room and Shuichi belly flop into their bed as soon as Shuichi hit the pillow he fell right to sleep, kokichi chuckled "oh Shuichi.. what am I gonna do with you ..? It doesn't matter i love you to much to know.." kokichi said, not noticing that Shuichi was half awake. "I.. love you too my love.." Shuichi said in a sleepy voice after he said that he fell right back to sleep."aww good night Shuichi..!" As kokichi said that he also fell asleep right next to his husband cuddling him.

In the morning

Kokichi's POV -
I woke up really early to go to the kitchen and make Shuichi some breakfast because i know that man does not eat until his lunch break like around 4-3 and he goes to work around 7 in the morning i don't like the feeling that my Shuichi hasn't eaten i love him and all but i can't have him dieing on me! I decided to mam eggs and my famous pancakes those are his favorites so I'll make that!

Time skip/ time- 6:30
It's already 6:31 Shuichi should be done getting ready mmm i wonder what's he doing..

Shuichi's POV
Alrighty I'm done getting ready now let me make the bed and put away my things like my dirty clothes in the laundry basket so kokichi could do that and when there done I'll fold them.. it's great that me and him do that he also works but recently he got fired.. oh god it's okay i told him to take a break and not to worry since my job pays a lot since I'm a detective! It's my dream job and i got the job i was o happy when i got a letter saying that i got the job. Anyway back to making the be-

*Falls on the bed*

Okay then.. mm this is kinda comfortable.. maybe i should just should just close my eyes only.. for a bit.. mm that would be nice..

Kokichi's POV
Alrighty is already 6:40 I've finished making the food now time to call down my beloved Shuichi !





ugh what is Shuichi doing that is so important that he's ignoring me.. actually! I could  bring him breakfast in the room so he doesn't have to come downstairs, Yes yes good idea kokichi! Alrighty time to brings this all upstairs the shouldn't be so hard right..?

Time skip

Nevermind that was a whole workout damn.. i didn't know i needed all my strength to go up their.. anyway it's Worth it because i get to see my beloved Shuichi happy and finally eating!

Ohh Shuichi!~ i got you break-

oh my stars Shuichi is still alseep   what time is it..!

Oh shit it's already no.. he only has 4 minutes to eat this mm maybe i can scream for him to wake up! i know i can go to his ear and scream as loud as i can hoping i don't make him lose his hearing..


huh..? Oh my love hi..!

Shuichi your late for work and i made you breakfast..!

Oh.. ah I'm sorry my love maybe i can stay home fr work and I'll eat his then we can go do something..?

Ooo that does sound like fun!

Great! Now let me eat his and I'll get ready so we can go out !

Oh okay then bye my love i hope you enjoy your meal!

Love you!

Love you too Shuichi!

1 hour later

I got out of the shower and hoping that Shuichi was done with his meal i come in the bedroom to get my clothes just to see Shuichi again alseep.

Oh my stars.. SHUICHI!

huh..HUH Oh ah.. my bad.. my love

Still in bed huh? I said while chuckling

You know it kokichi!


Say maybe wanna stay in and cuddle and watch movies..?

That sound like an awesome day Shuichi!


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