i really love you !(3)

131 3 5

They are in a killing game
Fluff and angst (*﹏*;)
Rantaro is alive leave me alone i love him too much (。•́︿•̀。)

No one's POV -

As rantaro was carrying Kokichi to the dining room he opened the doors and everyone stoped eating, talking, and just stared at him and Kokichi.

Rantaro - what are guys looking at ?


kokichi - shut up you pig.

Miu - eeee ~~

Rantaro - so why are you guys staring at us ?

Shuichi - well gonta told us something..

Kokichi - gonta what did you tell them.

Gonta - gonta told what he saw when he came into kokichi's room !

Kokichi - gonta why did you TELL them.

Gonta - well because gonta was worried for you and Rantaro...?!

Kokichi - ugh whatever.

Rantaro - lets go eat kichi just ignore them.

Kokichi - mmm... Okay..

Shuichi - so did you guys really did it ..?

Kokichi and Rantaro - NO.

Shuichi - oh okay.. ( good..) Shuichi whispered

rantaro - what did you say Shuichi ?

Shuichi - oh umm.. nothing.. sorry...

Rantaro - oh okay then..?

Kokichi and Rantaro went to go the kitchen to get something to eat all they found was ..


Of course they ate it i mean they were hungry :)

After eating chicken of course someone had to open their mouth.. guess who it was...





Miu ..


Of course Miu opened her mouth...

Miu- so green fuck boy and kokichi fucked !!

Rantaro - for the life of God no we didn't, you know what we are leaving you guys are so annoying..

Shuichi- well.. i need kokichi ... If that's okay with you rantaro..

Rantaro - do you wanna go with Shuichi kichi?(whisper)

Kokichi - sure why not .. i guess..(whisper)

Rantaro - oh okay then sure we'll bye kichi i have to go now see you at night ..!!

Kokichi - mhm bye ran..!, So Shuichi why did you need me !

Shuichi - ah.. well can we please go somewhere else please..

Kokichi - oh okay !!

Time skip they are now at the garden :D

Kokichi - sooo Shuichi why did you need me are you planning to murder me.. !

Shuichi - well no i would never kill you kokichi...

Kokichi - .... So what did you want to tell me.. ?

Shuichi- ah well it's about us we need to talk about us okay so i don't how to put this way but..

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