3- Suitors

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Nmachi in deep thoughts watched as her friend, Ukokwe seperated the melon seed from it's coat. Not that she couldn't do the seperation and was watching her to learn rather she was day dreaming of how she was going to do it with Echezona.

One would think that she was going to tell it to her friend what was going through her mind but she has kept it to herself for days.

"Nmachi," Ukokwe called her but she didn't respond even though she was staring directly at her with her hand under her jaw while she stared.

Ukokwe carefully dropped the tray on which she was seperating the melon and clapped her hands in front of her,"Nmachukwu!" She shouted her name in full as though she was miles away, making Nmachi jump in shock.

"Hmm, what have been thinking about?" Ukokwe asked with so much concern about the well-being of her dear friend.

Sighing deeply, Nmachi shook her head before picking up the tray Ukokwe had dropped and placing it on her laps to continue from where her friend had stopped.

"I'm talking to you," Ukokwe reminded her but she remain silent.

Nmachi lifted her head high a little, looked to her right and then her left, just in case there was anyone hanging around especially her -mother- parents.

Although there was no one in sight, Nmachi was still not satisfied with the safety of her environment, so she lowered her head and pulled Ukokwe close, "It's Echezona o," Nmachi whispered softly into Ukokwe's ear.

"What about him?" Ukokwe asked her while sitting up from the position Nmachi had kept her while she whispered near her ear.

Nmachi carefully gave Ukokwe a run down on the discussion she had with Echezona beginning from how he called her out till when her mother called her back into the compound.

"Chim o!" Ukokwe exclaimed in shock but Nmachi was quick to cover her mouth with her palm so that she doesn't attract her anyone's attention especially her mother's.

"Oooh m! What is wrong with you?" Nmachi shouted at Ukokwe in annoyance that her scream must have alerted her mother.

Ukokwe adjusted on the stool she sitting on,"Sorry, my friend. Ndo." She apologized for her reaction but Nmachi hissed.

"If Nne comes here because of your shout, I will not be happy with you." Nmachi warned her before concentrating on the melon she was picking.

"Ndo nu, I was only surprised that Echezona would ask you for such a thing besides if Nne com-"

"Ehe, If I come what will happen?" Nwabuko, Nmachi's mother asked in a loud voice which scared them as they jerked on their stool and the resounding noise from the stainless tray which fell from Nmachi's lap filled the air, pouring the melon to the ground.

"Nne, I was just about leaving," Ukokwe said while getting up from the stool before turning to her friend and mouthing her apology.

"No, Uko. Don't leave on my account." Nwabuko said in a polite voice while giving Nmachi a suspicious look as to why they had reacted the way they did.

There was no doubt she had frightened Nmachi even more than she did Ukokwe, "Nne le-I want to see her off." Nmachi stuttered while leading the way for Ukokwe to follow.

Nwabuko cleared her throat as her daughter passed in front of her, "Be back before sundown, we are expecting visitors." She said before turning around to go back into the house.

"What are you going to do about Echezona?" Ukokwe asked Nmachi as they walked out of Nmachi's compound.

Nmachi placed the back of her right hand in her left palm and clapped it before interchanging them and clapping again,"I don't know, I'm still thinking about it." She shrugged.

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