28- Lowly

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It's been two months since Chibuzor and Nmachi became friends and their friendship keeps growing. It has even gotten to a point where even Nwabugwu runs to him whenever he is around.

Although Nmachi still hasn't stopped suspecting his sudden closeness and affection which she still sees as out of pity, she still couldn't deny the fact that he has grown on her. Not just her, her son as well.

"How has my favorite boy been?" Chibuzor asked Nwabugwu whom he was carrying in his arms and he giggled,"Mama," he pointed at Nmachi where she stood discussing with a client.

Choosing not to interrupt, Chibuzor went straight to the chair near the wall in the store and sat down with Nwabugwu.

He watched as Nmachi smiled at the lady she was attending with keen interest and wondered how she ended up as she did.

"Do you mind?" Nmachi asked Chibuzor upon approaching where he was seated. He was obviously zoomed into space and didn't see her finish up with the customer even though he was looking in that direction.

Realizing himself, he quickly made space for her on the bench and she sat.

"What were you thinking about?" She asked upon noticing his moodiness but he shook his head,"Nothing," he responded. Although she wasn't convinced, she didn't want to force him; he'd definitely tell her about whatever it was. Maybe not now.

"I was abou-"

"My mum would love to meet you," he blurted out, causing Nmachi's words to get stuck in her mouth.

"I'm sorry, what?" She asked and he made to explain but she stopped him,"I heard what you said, I want to know why?"

He gulped,"You know I leave home everyday unlike other years when I come back and she notices," he said with a laugh. "They always do." He added with a smile on his face.

"You told her I'm your friend, right?" She asked him and Nwabugwu nodded as though the question was directed at him.

"Yes, I did but can a man and a woman be just friends, I don't think she believes that." He joked but Nmachi wasn't comfortable at all with the entire idea.

"You told her I have a child?" Nmachi asked him and he nodded,"yet she wants to see me?" She asked him and he nodded,"This doesn't seem right." She whispered.

She knew what it was for a woman, especially an elderly woman, to know that a girl got pregnant or had a child out of wedlock but in this case, his mother wanted to see her. She breathed deeply as if mentally preparing herself for whatever insult she'd likely receive from his mother if she were even going to go there and she is most definitely not going with her son.

"I'll think about it," she muttered and he seemed relieved.

Nmachi collected Nwabugwu from him and he immediately left the seat to get them lunch as he often did while Nmachi sat still, thinking about what he had just told her.


Two days had passed since Chibuzor informed Nmachi of his mother's request and today, Nmachi made up her mind to go with him to see her.

She had informed Akudo who advised her to go without her son as she'd take care of him. Seated in Chibuzor's gray peugeot, Nmachi's heart picked up an uncontrollable pace which bothered her.

"You don't need to think too much about this Nma," Chibuzor said to her, "if you're not comfortable going with me today, maybe another day."

"I'm fine," she replied sharply,"let's get it over with."she added as they approached a dark green gate which he honked at.

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