15- The Chase

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It's been two days since Nmachi started staying with Oma in her lodge at school. Oma had helped her make her hair and even paid the hair dresser for it just to know if she could take her mind off Echezona but most of her attempts were futile.

Nmachi's mind was still on Echezona and it would only take a miracle for her to forget about him. It would even be impossible as his seed was growing in her.

Oma had made a pot of delicious egusi soup with assorted meat and fish just to entice Nmachi's appetite but it did little or nothing at all to her all she did was eat a little, think day and night.

Right now, she was alone in Oma's house as Oma had gone for classes. Although, she persuaded Nmachi to come with her for class but she politely declined and suggested she stayed back with the excuse of avoiding Echezona or rather Elchi as she might not be able to hold back herself from going to meet him.

She heard the sound of her stomach rumbling and thought not of herself but of the child growing in her. She had to eat something for the child to keep living on as much as she wanted it dead at this point, it was already too late and any danger coming to the child was going to risk hers as well.

With that thought in mind, she got up from the bed on which she lay and walked barefoot towards the corner of the room where the garri Oma had made and covered for her just in case she feels hungry during the day.

Quickly, she carried the garri which had already gotten cold and was going to dish some portion of soup when she noticed how cold the pot was and immediately lifted it.

Lucky for her, Oma had brought her stove from the general kitchen to the room for her to have easy access to it due to her condition. So she didn't have to leave the room to get to the kitchen.

She placed the pot back down and lit up the stove with a match box, just as she had seen Oma do it before placing the pot of soup on the stove to heat up.

After waiting for five minutes, she took the pot down and turned off the stove. She gently dished out some portion of the thick soup onto a bowl plate before proceeding to carry the already made garri which was in a plate back to the bed where she wanted to sit on while eating.

There's a huge difference between having appetite and forcing appetite. Nmachi was forcing herself to eat the meal not because it wasn't tasty as a matter of fact, it was the sweetest thing she has eaten in weeks. She was just eating for the sake of her unborn child.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and hurrying to eat more of the food before getting the door, it was thrown open reminding her that she hadn't locked it after Oma left for school.

Surprised to see who it was, Nmachi quickly said,"Oma is not here." She informed Oma's boyfriend who walked into the room.

He made a small smile and said,"I know." So Nmachi shrugged and continued eating. She wasn't in the position to send him out of the house and as a matter of fact, she felt he had every right in the house just as Oma does.

Nmachi was so focused on the food that she didn't realize that he was already sitting beside her on the bed until he had his arm over her neck.

Uncomfortable, Nmachi threw his hand away from her as her heart began to race. "Is there something I should offer you?" She asked him but he remained silent,"Oma is not here so you should leave now." She hissed and he got up from the bed and stood in front of her.

"I came to see you not Oma. I wanted to know how you're fairing since Elchi or Echezona…" he sighed,"I wonder why he would leave all of this," he said looking at her in a way that portrayed lust.

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