23- To careless

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Akudo felt a bit of relief after she told Nmachi everything Echezona had said and done and how he switched from concern to void. She was even more thankful to Dr. Ikedi for his help and of course, she felt a direct shot at her when he spoke to Nmachi.

Turning continuously from side to side on her as she tried to sleep in her dark room but couldn't as Ikedi's words played repeatedly in her head, "Maybe our appearance, our past, our height, and our age," his voice said in her head.

She tried to ponder on it. She tried to understand him but she couldn't let go of what society would say about her.

Suddenly, a loud cry pierced the silence of the night making her jump out of her bed to the room where the cry was coming from.

Before she could get there, her right foot made a hard contact with the wall which caused her to yelp in pain only to end up limping to the room which was separated by a small hall right across hers.

Upon getting there, she found Nmachi already carrying Nwabugwu, her son in her arms and hopping gently as if she was dancing while trying to stop him from crying.

Nmachi had her back to Akudo as she paced with the baby in her arms but stepping into the room, she noticed that Nmachi's eyes were closing while she was standing which shows how much sleep she needs.

Akudo gently placed her right hand on Nmachi's left shoulder making her jerk in fear by the sudden contact but sighed when she saw it was Akudo.

"Have you fed him?" Akudo asked her and she nodded,"He just doesn't want to sleep and let me sleep as well." Nmachi complained, sounding like she was going to cry but Akudo gently took the baby from her and asked that she lift the lantern which illuminated the and bring it to hers.

Nmachi led the way as they went to Akudo's room to avoid any accident while Akudo carried the baby.

Nwabugwu was now quiet yet his eyes were open although sleepy. Akudo gently sat on the bed while holding Nwabugwu close to her bosom in her arms.

"Go to bed," Akudo urged Nmachi who sat on the floor with her back to the wall but she didn't move.

"Aunty?" Nmachi called her while staring directly at how Nwabugwu lay comfortably in her arms,

"Yes,"Akudo answered softly to give Nmachi the courage to speak.

"Thank you," Nmachi whispered and Akudo smiled,"For everything," she added.

"It's okay," Akudo said while smiling down at Nwabugwu whose eyes were now closed.

Nmachi cleared her throat, "I wanted to talk to you about Dr. Ikedi?" She began and Akudo's heart missed a beat as she immediately looked in her direction, very surprised and concerned as well.

"What about him?" Akudo asked her but Nmachi was quiet as she didn't know how she was going to say what she wanted to say but either way she spoke.

"Why don't you want to give him a chance?" Nmachi asked but the look on Akudo's face made her regret saying it immediately.

Nmachi quickly got up from where she was sitting, afraid that she had crossed the line and was interfering in her private life.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have sa-"

"No, don't be." Akudo stopped her from speaking any further,"I've always wanted to speak about him to someone outside my friends." Akudo said and Nmachi smiled,"No, not that you're not my friend or anything, I just want honest reviews."

Nmachi gave off a light laugh and sat back on the floor,"I understand."

Akudo smiled,"I honestly want to give him a chance but at our age I'm almost 6 years older than him, you know?" She said in a sad voice,"you may not understand this but it's been my fear all these while."

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