7- Home call

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It has been three days since Akudo got the letter from Dr. Ikedi. She didn't reply his letter. As a matter of fact, she made sure to avoid him no matter the cost but that has just been impossible.

Right now, she was holding folders of different patients while standing right behind him as they proceeded with the other nurses to examine the patients. 

Dr. Ikedi was actually a fine young man and even though he was five years younger than Akudo, it didn't stop him from making advances at her. She knew he was into her as much as she didn't want to admit that she was into him as well.

She has always felt it was best to keep everything professional which meant business before pleasure and since they were working together, she made sure not to even look in that direction. She took most of his advances as compliments and appreciation.

"Can I have the folder for Az-"

"Here it is, Sir." Akudo said before he could finish while holding out the exact file he needed.

Giving her a small smile, he gently collected the folder from her hand while making sure that his fingers brushed against hers. 

It sent a very electrifying sensation through her veins and she immediately retrieved her hand as he held the folder as if there was a bare wire on it.

Dr. Ikedi smiled inwardly in satisfaction upon seeing her reaction. Although he was bothered that she didn't reply his letter, he felt relaxed seeing her standing behind him.

After he was done checking the patient, he handed the folder over to the trainee closest to him and walked towards the door while they followed closely behind him.

When they noticed that he was going to his office, they began to disperse to their various duty posts.

Akudo collected the folder which the trainee was holding so that she could return them to the reception where they would be filed but before she could even take two steps, Dr. Ikedi stopped at the door to his office and tilted his head a little to the side.

"Akudo?" He called her and her heart skipped a beat the moment she heard his voice and her name in it. She felt a hint of guilt in her mind because she knew exactly what she did.

Raising her face from the folder, she looked at him,"Yes Doctor," she replied in shaky voice as guilt washed over her. 

He smiled,"Can I see you in my office?" He asked but when he noticed that there were other nurses in the hallway, he added,"With those folders, I'd like to go through them." 

Nodding repeatedly, she followed him as he entered into his office and shut the door behind her.

"Please, sit." He urged her upon seeing her standing beside the chair in front of him and she obliged. 

"I hope you got the letter I sent you?" He asked her and she gulped.

"I was going to reply you but it skipped my mind." She lied, knowing fully well she made no attempt at all in doing so.

He sighed softly and raised a bag that was beside him and placed it on the desk. There was a flask in it and she wondered why he called her into his office to watch him eat.

"It's alright then."he said in a calm voice. "I waited for it anyway but since you didn't, I decided to bring you lunch or breakfast, whatever you make of it." He said and her mouth hung open.

Why would he bring me food? She asked herself while staring at the flask on his desk. 

"You don't have to take it out with you if you don't want to. I won't want to make you feel pressured into anything." He said but a thought struck his mind when he noticed how uncomfortable she was he asked,"Or would you rather eat here with me?" 

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