5- Absent minds

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Nmachi sat in class, day dreaming of how she had happily given her virginity to Echezona. Despite the pain that came with it, she felt excited about it especially the fact that she loved how she felt while he was in her.

"Nmachi!" Her teacher shouted her name upon sensing her absent mindedness. She jumped in her seat upon hearing her name being called in such a way.

"Miss," she replied while on her feet and staring at her teacher.

"Can you tell us what year the amalgamation of the northern and southern protectorate took place?" Her teacher asked. The question was obviously from what she had been teaching.

Nmachi stood still for a while staring at the teacher while over fifty pair of eyes were on her waiting for an answer to the question.

"Since you do not know the answer why then have you not been paying attention."  Her teacher asked while adjusting the huge glasses she was wearing.

Nmachi didn't want to respond so that the issue doesn't go beyond what it already is. Besides, it would be very disrespectful if she does so. 

"Remain standing." Her teacher ordered.

"All she ever talks about is Echezona." She heard someone say which made the entire class laugh in mockery but the teacher was already focused on the chalkboard.

"Yet she comes top of the class. Don't you think it's high time you start thinking about someone that would add a little meaning to your life?" Ukokwe hissed, glaring at them which made them face the board and the only thing they could do was whisper.

"Thank you." Nmachi mouthed at her friend who was sitting two rows behind hers. 

After two hours, the class was suddenly over and Nmachi was allowed to sit down after the teacher left.

While others left the classroom and some, the school premises. Ukokwe walked up to Nmachi's seat and joined her in it.

Taking her seat beside her, Ukokwe pulled out a small oily nylon bag from the big bag she carries to school which contains all her notebooks.

The smell of oil and pepper graced Nmachi's nose, making her bring her attention to the nylon on the locker. Ukokwe must have noticed how focused Nmachi was on the bag because she immediately tore it open, revealing five pieces of freshly made akara.

Nmachi didn't even wait for Ukokwe's permission because she immediately took one out of them and began to chew on it.

"Mmm," she moaned softly while eating the akara.

"Why were you so lost during class?" Ukokwe asked her in a very concerned voice and she shrugged.

She didn't want to tell her friend about her ordeal with Echezona. She thought it best to keep it a secret even to her best friend.

Taking another one of the akara, She began to pack up her things to leave the classroom. She wiped her oily hands on the wall before picking up her school bag.

"I was just wondering how life would be for Aunty Akudo." She responded, which was actually a very big lie. "I would love to be like her. Smart, educated and rich."

Although she held independent rich women with high esteem, Aunty Akudo wasn't one whom her mother or most women in the village would be proud of hearing her talk about with so much pride.

"Hmmm, okay o." Ukokwe responded. "If you say so." 

"Ehe, Uko, She called her friend,"Do you know that your father was at my house with so-"

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