24- The man

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2years Later

"Nwabugwu, come here." Nmachi asked her toddler who was moving around almost as if he was going to fall while smiling happily as he held unto couch next to Nmachi.

"Come and eat," she said, stirring the milk in his pap continuously so it mixes properly with the pap but Nwabugwu shook his head while giggling.

Nmachi extended her right hand towards where he stood and lifted him off the floor as he screamed by her sudden action.

"Don't you know we'd be going to the store today?" She asked him while placing a spoon ful of the pap right in front of his lips as they parted and allowed her feed him

"Who is a good boy?" Nmachi asked him as he swallowed his pap,

"Ma-ma," he replied as he smiled at her. Everyday as she watched him grow, watched him smile at her as she held her small figure, she felt more womanly, more motherly.

Nmachi felt more connected to him than she was yesterday and it's been that way since his birth. Her love for him keeps growing.

Since she couldn't leave her son at home to acquire tetiary education, Akudo decided to open up a store for her to take care of on her behalf and she's been doing so well over the years.

After she was done feeding him, she proceeded to clean him up and get him dressed so they can leave. Meanwhile, Akudo was spending the weekend at Dr. Ikedi's place so she had the house to herself and of course, her son.

Akudo's relationship with Dr. Ikedi has grown so well that one might even think they were married. They understand and respect each other and that's what matters most.

Although, Akudo had had thoughts making him see her family but she was afraid it might cost them their relationship so she didn't say anything about it to him.

Fully prepared, Nmachi carried Nwabugwu in one hand to her side while she held a big black bag containing most of what she might need for the day and stepped out of the house and locked it before walking gently to where Akudo's car was parked.

Akudo had asked her to take the car whenever she was going out with neabuiso she doesn't have to put him through stress at the bus stop. She had also made sure to inform her driver as well.


"Are you talking about quality or quantity?"Nmachi asked a young man who had been moving round her supermarket until she stopped him to ask what he was searching for.

He smiled,"It's not a crime to have both," he replied meekly but Nmachi didn't seem like she was in for anything but business.

"Custards are on the left wing from here," she directed him before grabbing a diaper bag from the shelf to walk away.

The man was curious,"Uh, you also came shopping?" He asked and she turned,"No, why?" She asked him and he pointed at the diaper.

"Oh, It's for my s-"

"He had been crying o and he didn't want me to write the receipt properly." A sales girl interrupted them as she directed her words to Nmachi,

"Sorry, let me have him," Nmachi said, while raising her hand to take Nwabugwu from her. He was already excited to leave the sales girl and be with his mother.

"It's fine you can go back to what you were doing," Nmachi said while cooing at her son who was giggling as she played with his stomach.

The man cleared his throat to remind Nmachi of his presence and she stopped immediately,"Oh, my apologies. This is my son." She informed the man but didn't take her gaze off her son.

"Wow, I see." He said with a smile on his face,"Your husband must be a very lucky man," he added but Nmachi raised a brow.

It wasn't his fault any way she was already acting motherly, had a child and she looked thicker than her age. It's as if her body physique at 18 had tripled over time.

Nmachi smiled,"Oh, I'm not married."

"Divorced then," he said but she shook her head.

"Don't forget the directions to the custard area," She replied and left before the man could say anything. She wasn't ready to say any more words to him, as a matter of fact she didn't owe him any explanation.

She went on with her son to the empty side at the far end of the store where people rarely reached. She sat down on the stool there and proceeded to change his diaper.

"Your husband must be very lucky," she mimicked the man and scoffed,"Not everyone needs to be married before they have kids, right?" She asked herself but the only reply she got was laughter from Nwabugwu as if she asked him.

After she was done wiping her son and changing his diaper, she raised him up so that he stood on her thigh while his hands slapped on her cheeks,"Are you going to go to your daddy once you're old?" She asked him and he giggled.

"You won't, right? I'm here and I can be both right?" He laughed this time and she shook her head,"I wasn't expecting anything but that from you anyway," she said, smiling at him.

"There you are!" Akudo exclaimed as she walked closer to them. Nwabugwu was already jumping in excitement upon seeing her and his small arms were wide apart signaling for her to carry him and she didn't fail him.

He wrapped his arms tight around her neck the moment she carried him to her chest,"I know you missed me," Akudo said while holding him with one of her hands and dropping her hand bag on the floor with the other.

"Who wouldn't?" Nmachi replied and stood up from the stool,"How's Dr. Ikedi?"

"He's fine." Akudo replied in a low voice but was quick to smile. "Have you had something to eat? Before that, there's a young man whom I met at the reception and he was making enquiries about you, did you meet him?".

Nmachi shook her head,"You know a lot of people come in and go often, male and female?"

Akudo's mouth formed an 'O', then she nodded rhythmically and turned to walk away with Nwabugwu while Nmachi followed behind. She knew very well something must have transpired but she didn't want to push it any further.

"Are we going home?" Nmachi asked her and she hummed,"Mhmm, She'd lock up the store you need not worry," she said, "Besides it's almost 6pm and you know I've told you how stressful it could be for Nwabugwu to stay here all day." She added

"He doesn't do anything bu-"

"Even at that," Akudo replied hastily, "Your mummy is complaining," Akudo pouted at Nwabugwu.

Nmachi who was now walking side by side with them saw the face she made and bursted out laughing,"Tomorrow is Sunday, we need to cook, right? That's true, you're not supposed to be back till Monday. Why are you here?" Nmachi asked, undoubtedly curious.

"Nothing really," Akudo replied but Nmachi wouldn't let it go.

"You don't sound like nothing happened," Nmachi stated and Akudo sighed,

"We had a misunderstanding." Akudo said through gritted teeth

"Oh," Nmachi replied,"You'd be fine." She added as they approached the store's exit.

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