25- Home

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"Still can't believe you would forget your friends just because you are in a relationship." Chigozie complained while Zainab supported her.

Akudo and Nmachi had just returned from the market when they found Zainab and Chigozie seated on the chair at the entrance of their home with the look of disappointment paramount on Chigozie's face.

Nmachi quickly walked to the door and unlocked it so they could go into the house and after they did, she took Nwabugwu to the room to bathe him.

She was yet to take two steps into the room when she heard Chigozie talk about Akudo's relationship.

Although Chigozie had said it in a funny way, she had some sense in what she was saying and in all honesty, Akudo hasn't really been fair to them since she began going out with Dr. Ikedi.

"I'm sorry," Akudo apologized for the fifth time since they got into the house and it was as if it was making Chigozie complain more.

Chigozie looked away from where Akudo was seated and said,"You're not even married and it's like this, when you get married you'd just dump us na, abi?"

"Ooh ooh!" Zainab exclaimed,"How many times do you want her to apologize to you?" She asked her but Chigozie didn't utter a word.

Just then, a light knock was heard on the door and Zainab hurried to get it.

"Hey, Welcome." She said upon opening the door. "Akudo didn't say you were coming?" She stated while ushering Dr. Ikedi into the house.

"I didn't inform her either,"He responded and as soon as he made eye contact with Akudo upon entering the house, she looked away.

"Welcome,"Chigozie greeted him and adjusted in her seat so there could be space for him to sit.

After they were all seated, the silence was choking and Chigozie immediately voiced out,"How was work today?" She asked him and he nodded lightly,"Work was fine," he replied absentmindedly with his gaze fixated on Akudo who has even spared him a glance since.

"What's going on?" Zainab mouthed towards Akudo as she was beginning to feel very uncomfortable but before she could get a reply, Nwabugwu came running out of the room in just his diaper, laughing as he ran until he got to Dr. Ikedi and raised his hands up.

Of course, Dr. Ikedi carried him off the floor and onto his lap. Nmachi came out of the room holding his clothes in her hand but seeing him with Dr. Ikedi, she turned around and walked to the kitchen.

"She's very beautiful," Zainab whispered to Akudo who nodded in affirmation,"Who would have thought the same girl you brought home who had nothing but a death wish would have so much happiness radiating around her." She said in a delighted yet soft voice.

Dr. Ikedi overheard them and decided to put in a word,"I also have a feeling, he is the source of her happiness and the love Akudo has for them as well," he said looking at Nwabugwu.

Chigozie sat up and stretched her hand to take Nwabugwu from Dr. Ikedi but the young lad pulled back, grabbing Dr. Ikedi's shirt with his tiny hands while pressing his small back on his chest and looking away from her.

The look on Chigozie's face seemed like disappointment but she was quick to laugh it off,"Well, have you spoken to her about going back home?" She asked Akudo who frowned at her question

"And why will I do that?"Akudo asked her with her brows creased tightly.

"You don't expect her to stay here forever without at least going to see her mother, her parents," Chigozie explained,

Akudo shrugged,"Well, I do that every year and I'm not complaining, besides she's not a bother to me and I'm comfortable feeding and taking care of them." She stated in a tone that showed how hard she was trying to convince herself.

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