33- Reveal

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"Please tell me," Nmachi pleaded,"How is this my fault?" She asked

Breathing deeply, Ukokwe lifted her heavy self off the floor till she was sitting with her back resting on the wall.

"When you were leaving I gave you over 500, remember?" Ukokwe inquired and she nodded,"After you left, the villagers did come after you but your disappearance was a surprise to them, they even asked me and I lied to cover up for you because if they knew I helped you get away, my family would be in danger."

"Okay, okay, I'm still waiting for the part where I got you pregnant," Nmachi sneered but didn't take it as offensive as Nmachi wanted it to be so she went on with what she was saying.

"After two months, the news of your disappearance had subsided and was almost forgotten. It was as if it never happened. Few days later, some men including your father came to our house for a meeting and my dad who happened to be the treasurer was requested to bring the money he had been keeping for them all these while for something urgent," Ukokwe paused,"He rushed into his hut to get the money but when he counted it, it wasn't complete, it was short by more than half." She stated while hitting her hand on the hard floor.

"I stole that money and gave it to you so that you could escape easily, Nmachukwu,"She cried but Nmachi was trying hard not to get emotional at this point because she didn't want it clouding her sense of judgment. She didn't want her to play with her mind. After trying so hard to absorb most of what Ukokwe had said, she still didn't see her point.

Ukokwe wiped her face with her wrapper before speaking again,"My father was given a deadline to get the money else he'd face the consequences. There was no way to get the money so your father met him with a proposal,"

"Which was?" Nmachi asked her, listening with utmost interest for her reply.

" Your father gave mine the money and also a period at which it should be paid, else he'd have to marry one of us as he has no child after you left," Ukokwe cried,"I was used as collateral, Nma."

At this point, Nmachi was already a weeping mess,"No, no no!" Nmachi wailed, drawing closer to her as she snaked her hand around her neck to comfort her.

"My father didn't bother trying to get the money rather, he just got me married."Ukokwe cried

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Nmachi said repeatedly, "Forgive me,"

Ukokwe shook her head,"No, it's not your fault. I've actually missed you so much. Look at how you're shining,"Ukokwe jeered at her, smiling through the tears.

"You're not serious,"Nmachi replied shyly.

"Your son looks just like you,"Ukokwe whispered, "I'm glad you didn't let anything stop you."she sighed,"Were you able to find Echezona?" Ukokwe asked and Nmachi smiled.

"I honestly did find him, however, he didn't want anything to do with us. It isn't a really good memory but here I am."

Ukokwe breathed a sigh,"I'm happy for you either way, I heard Echezona dropped out last year. His benefactor died and his family couldn't finance his feeding and other needs for his schooling,"Ukokwe informed her,

Nmachi was surprised and a little happy by the news but didn't want to be so insensitive,"Really? I thought he said he was on scholarship," Nmachi informed her

"Yeah, His benefactor was the scholarship." Ukokwe explained.

"Well, that's his problem."

"You should leave this minute before I do something stupid,"They heard Akudo's voice shout from outside and it sounded as if she was arguing with someone.

"She asked that I find her, so I did,"A voice Nmachi knew so well but resented shouted from outside.

Nmachi immediately helped Ukokwe up before running out of the hut to see who it was. The moment she got out of the hut, her eyes landed on Chibuzor trying to take a hold of Nwabugwu whom her mother was still carrying and she screamed running to the place like an injured animal to push his hand away.

"I said, stay away!"Nmachi groaned, pushing his hand away.

"I am sorry, please," he begged but Nmachi asked him to leave with her index finger pointing out of the premises

"Just leave please."  She insisted and his shoulders sank

Nmachi had not noticed that he wasn't alone, he had come with his mother.
"My child,"the woman behind him called her and Nmachi bursted out laughing,

"Please, you of all people shouldn't even be here, just go."Nmachi deadpanned, grabbing her son from her mother and going to the hut.

Stopping in front of the hut, she turned"Just go, because you apologized doesn't take away the horrible things I heard you say about me, better don't come back here,"

"We have come for a proper marriage,"His mother shouted,"Can't you see that?"

"I'm not interested,"Nmachi finalized before going into the hut.

"What happened?"Ukokwe wanted to know but Nmachi shook her head,

"Nothing really, just some people that want to take Nwabugwu from me in the context of marriage,"She replied in such a way that told Ukokwe not to try asking any further questions.

"Nwabugwu, this is your Aunt,"Nmachi said to her son and placed him on the floor beside Ukokwe who was seated on the mat.

"What did you call him?" Ukokwe asked and Nmachi laughed,"Nwabugwu, why do you ask?" Nmachi asked her

"I love the name,"she whispered,"I'm still looking through names for my child,"If a boy, I'll call him Ezechukwu or a girl, I'll call her Nwamaka."

"Those are beautiful names," Nmachi told her

"I'm telling you just incase I-"

"Your mother asked that you come out so we can eat. She made fufu and onugbu soup," Akudo announced, interrupting their conversation.

"I might just as well bring it here so we can all eat together. It's getting late and I'm hungry  especially with all the drama, Abeg, I'm hungry,"Akudo complained which caused Nmachi to laugh as she left to get their food.

"She really complained today," Nmachi said,"She doesn't complain so much."

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