35- Chance

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Things seem to have happened so fast in the space of two days, just two days and Nmachi had the world under her foot and on her head all at once.

It was as if her arrival at the village pushed everything on a rollercoaster bumpy ride and none of most of the things that had taken place through her stay.

Akudo had left for the city with Dr. Ikedi as a matter of fact, they had a wedding to plan and they were going to Akudo's family house first. Dr. Ikedi has to meet her family to get their approval first.

Nmachi couldn't go back with them, at least not now. She wanted to get most of the incidents that happened out of her system first, if not all of it, at least the shock that came with it.

She was taking a walk through the community schools field which she had attended. There hadn't been much change and seeing that schools weren't in session made it extremely quiet and very airy, to the point that Nmachi's gown was flowing in sync with the breeze.

Surprisingly, she found a swing, walked towards it and sat on it while the other was empty. She began to move the swing and the other one which was still for a while began to swing in an opposite direction making her feel like she wasn't alone.

Nmachi stared longingly at the swing to see Ukokwe seated there with a smile on her face, she looked more happier than she'd ever been and Nmachi stopped swinging.

"You really shouldn't beat yourself up about anything,"Ukokwe said in a soft and melodious voice but Nmachi bit her lips.

"Maybe you should learn to be more open to know when people change for good," Ukokwe said yet again.

"Echezona is not a changed person, as a matter of fact, he can't change and he never did even till death." She stated in a voice filled with so much certainty and firmness

Ukokwe sighed,"It's a pity he drowned himself in the river at the neighboring village after he heard what happened to me,"Ukokwe said and shook her head,"That's very bad for someone to take their own life. Well, I'm talking of Chibuzor," she corrected and Nmachi's mouth hung low.

"His mother met, she joined us last night." Ukokwe continued,"She asked that I meet you and apologize on her behalf. Her son wanted more than friendship from you and it's not because of your son, she left him a broken man, Nma." Ukokwe whispered still in the same soft voice.

"Give him a chance for Nwabugwu,"Ukokwe advised but Nmachi's eyes became watery

"But you couldn't give Ezechukwu a chance,"Nmachi whispered but she gave her a small sad smile.

Ukokwe smiled happily,"You gave him the name I wanted,"

"Don't change the topic?"

"Did I have much of a choice?" She asked Nmachi who wiped the corner of her eyes at her friend's words.

"Life didn't really give you any chance to make any choice at all," Nmachi said while tears streamed uncontrollably down her eyes,"I guess the world didn't deserve a beautiful soul like you,"Nmachi added.

Sighing deeply, Nmachi said,"Maybe in death, You'd be able to."

"My only wish was that Ezechukwu got to meet you. I wished he got to know how amazing his mother is or was. He has the best mother in the world, I wish he could mee-"

"He has as a matter of fact, he always sees me, I do play with him and make him quiet but I know you'd be much more of a mum to him than I can at this point." Ukokwe explained.

"I often forget he's my brother, my father's child,"Nmachi said through a sad laughter and Ukokwe joined her laughing lightly.

After they were done having a good laugh, Ukokwe spoke,"He's still your son as I am no more, I want you to promise me you'd take him with you and he'd grow with Nwabugwu and you'd be with Chibuzor,"She pleaded looking down at her hands and then at Nmachi.

"I promise,"Nmachi said softly, which made Ukokwe smile.

"I need to go now my friend, I'll be watching you." She whispered and Nmachi nodded before Ukokwe vanished leaving Ukokwe with a very chilly feeling around her body and goosebumps as well.

Nmachi had a feeling that Ukokwe must have hugged her before leaving which made her smile and she left the swing and began to run home.

She felt lighter, she felt as if all her worries had been wiped and taken from her. She ran home and right at the entrance of their premises stood Chibuzor carrying Nwabugwu in his arms.  He hadn't seen her yet and she stood there watching how Nwabugwu slept peacefully in his arms.

The moment he turned around and set eyes on her, he was scared of what she was going to do seeing that he had her son in his arms.

"Please, Nmachi, it's not what you think. We were playing then he slept off,"He said with so much sincerity in his eyes that made Nmachi wonder how scared he was of her.

"I'm not tryi-" but before he could say any more words, Nmachi ran to him and spread her arms around him hugging him so tight that he was almost out of breath but he wasted no time in hugging her right back as she released her grip on him a little.

This was a perfect family picture to him, him, his woman and their son or rather, their sons. What more could either of them want?


We've finally gotten to the end of this book. 🥺
Please check out my next book,"More Than Just A Mistake," it's a romance novel and I'm sure you'd love it😘😘

Thank you so much beautiful reader❤️

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