31- Home

11 6 1

"Have you put all the bags in the car yet?" Akudo asked Ahmed who was frequenting the house to take their bags outside to arrange them in the car's boot.

"It's just this one left," he announced as he dragged the big bag to the car in which Nmachi and Nwabugwu were already seated waiting for Akudo to lock the apartment door and join them in the back seat.

Nmachi had said numerous prayers in her heart through the night and this morning. She couldn't sleep one bit because she was nervous. She didn't know how her mother was going to react when she sees her, she even played lots of scenes in her head some of which made her cry bad some of which made her excited but all the while, she made sure Akudo doesn't see her.

"Ready?" Akudo asked while placing her bag on the car seat and sliding into it.

Nmachi sighed,"I just hope she accepts my son," She replied,"Nothing would hurt me more than rejection," she said in a sad soft voice.

"Just be positive," Akudo said,"By the way, I learnt your father got a new wife." Akudo blurted out

"What?" Nmachi shouted, placing one hand over her mouth

"Hmmm, My dear," Akudo said in despair,"The annoying part is that the girl in question is around your age."

"Ah papa," Nmachi cried, shaking her head in both annoyance and sorrow as to what her mother must have been put through all these years.

"I thought sh-"

"Nmachi!" Someone shouted from in front of them which caused them to look swiftly.

"Nmachi!! I'm sorry!"

"Chibuzor, what are you doing here?" Nmachi hissed leaving Nwabugwu in the car as she walked out to meet him.

"I clearly said you shouldn't come anywhere near my son and I didn't, I?" She spat visibly angry but Akudo was out of the car fast enough to stop her from doing something stupid.

Holding Nmachi's hand, Akudo glared at Chibuzor while pulling Nmachi to the car,"Let's get going," she whispered into Nmachi's ear as she pulled.

"Please listen, I know I was wrong and believe me, I do not have the same thoughts anymore." He pleaded,"I'll will my assets to you both, I'll make your life's better, please, these few days without you both hav-"

His offer was very enticing and it almost got Nmachi but she tsked and looked away,"I'm not interested," she spat and slid into the car without sparing him a glance.

He quickly ran to her side of the car,"Please, I love you,"

"Find me then," she scoffed and wound up,"let's go," she said to Ahmed who immediately ignited the engine and speedily drove out of the compound.

Numerous things were going through Akudo's mind but she didn't really want to voice it out. She heard clearly how Chibuzor was willing to give up his properties for Nwabugwu but Nmachi blatantly rejected him which was actually the right thing to do but on the other hand, it was a bright future at their fingertip.

Breathing deeply, Akudo asked,"Why exactly did you reject his offer?"

Not expecting that question, Nmachi looked at Akudo with a confused expression plastered on her face,"Why shouldn't I?" She retorted,"Nobody is having my son, no matter how many planets they have to offer," she added and looked out the window.

She was a little surprised that Akudo would be asking her that but just didn't want to stress it any further.

"It's fine," Akudo sighed before relaxing on the seat,"Play some good songs," she asked Ahmed who excitedly inserted a disc and beautiful melodies filled the air.

Nmachi watched the trees run far behind as they drove past them. She loved the smell of dry clay on the road minced by dust and then the sharp smell of the water bodies which were hard to resist.

She marveled at the beautiful gigantic houses that were structured at different corners of the road and wondered if she had seen them on her way out or if it was a recent development.

She saw most of the places she had visited with her mom but they had not really changed over the years. She felt a sense of belonging through her journey as this was her land and her people.

After driving for almost two hours and passing by hawkers which they patronized some, Nmachi sighted the village square, her village square and her heart sank into her stomach. She was scared.

Immediately, she looked away and brought her gaze to Nwabugwu who lay fast asleep in her arms. Was she ready for this? She asked herself because she knew that in less than twenty minutes, they'd arrive at her father's compound.

"Are you ready?" Akudo whispered as if reading her mind,"Take the left turn," She said to Ahmed as she had been the one directing him through their entire journey.

Taking in a deep breath Nmachi nodded. "We could stop for a while if that's what you want,"Akudo suggested but Nmachi refused so they journeyed on.

Upon seeing the entrance of her father's compound, Nmachi began to panic. "What am I going to say to them?" She asked in a rush and bent her head low so they wouldn't see her or she, them. This made Akudo worried about her safety and esteem.

"What do you mean by what are you going to say to them?" Akudo asked, scrunching up her brows in annoyance,"even when I'm here, you're still scared?" She asked.

"I see, you had better get your head up and not let them intimidate you because once they see a hint of fear, they ride on it and push you to shame."Akudo advised though in a target harsh tone.

"Breath,"Akudo commanded her and she nodded,"sit up straight," she added,"Chin up," she ordered and Nmachi did just as she was told.

"Always remember that I'm here and if they don't accept you, then I would, always. If it's any encouragement, you're as guilty as the one that made you the victim," She stated, rubbing her hand on Nmachi's shoulder and Nmachi smiled in return.

"Now, Take that same posture and step out of the car, I'm right beside you,"Akudo assured her.

They both left the car leaving Ahmed who had to park the car at a better spot away from the entry route. Walking gradually with her son in her arms, they entered the compound. Nwabugwu seemed surprised and looked like he was trying to take in his new environment by looking left and right at every corner of the place.

Nmachi looked around the compound which  still looked the same as she had left it just dirtier which made her wonder when the compound was last swept. Everywhere seemed  too quiet and she wondered where her mother could be.

"Knock knock!" She shouted, placing her son on the ground to stand while she brought the bench at the far end of the compound close for them to sit.

"Who is here?" Akudo shouted before sitting on the bench Nmachi had brought.

"Do you think there's someone here?" Akudo asked Nmachi, who was visibly worried. She had worse imaginations going through her mind like being told her family had left here or her parents were gone. She just hoped it would be something else.

"They'd come soon, hopefully," Nmachi assured Akudo and herself.

"Who is here?" Akudo shouted again and a voice responded this time but it wasn't that of Nmachi's mother, Nwabuko but a different yet familiar voice to Nmachi but the person sounded tired.

"I'm coming," the weak voice replied and soon, the rafia mat which served as a door to the room which Nmachi used to share with her mother was lifted and their eyes landed on a protruding stomach and finally on the face.

The lady was horrified upon seeing Nmachi who screamed upon realizing who it was but hoped her eyes were deceiving her.

Akudo seemed confused but Nmachi carefully and fearfully left the bench on which she sat to meet the person and reaching there, her thoughts and fear became reality as the lady began to cry.

"Ukokwe!" Nmachi shouted.

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