4- Advances

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Akudo sat in the pavement of her house as she wasn't on duty until later that evening. She had taken the opportunity to make three different soups Oha, Olubu and Egusi; and a bowl of tomato stew to take her through the week since she might not be free during the day after today.

Her friends, Zainab and Chigozie had called earlier to know if she was going to be home because they hadn't met in weeks as a result of Akudo's job.

Zainab was lecturer in the Federal university of agriculture, Umudike while Chigozie runs an adult school and also has partnership with the NGO.

Soon, there was a very loud honk right in front of her gate and her gate man, peeped to see who it was before running towards where she sat.

Upon reaching her, he said, "Madam, Aunty Zainab don come." and Akudo nodded.

"Chukwudi," She called him,"Zainab has come." She corrected his speech and even had to remove the 'aunty' he addressed Zainab with. Not because he was quite older than Zainab but because Zainab hated it. 

"How many times do I have to remind you before you stop speaking Pidgin language in my house?" She asked. He was going to reply but the car honk made him run back to the gate.

She had always asked him to speak proper English or his native dialect but it seems he was comfortable speaking the language and has even succeeded in infecting her driver with it. 

After the gates were opened, Zainab drove in, in her dark blue 504; similar car to that of Akudo.

"Aku Akụ," Zainab hailed her as she got close and Akudo quickly got up from her seat to welcome her. When they were few inches away, she stretched her hands and embraced her.

"Long time no see." Zainab said while taking a seat in front of Akudo. "How have you been?" She asked, placing her hand bag on the table.

"My dear, I've been fine. I thought you were going to come with Chigozie." Akudo asked, noticing that she was alone.

"No, but she would be here before you know it. You know how busy she can be." Zainab teased which made Akudo laugh. It wasn't a lie what Zainab had said because even Akudo had no objections about it and even when they try to talk to Chigozie about how she invests too much time in her work and zero time for herself, she waves it off with excuses about being hardworking.

"I got your letter the other day, ah Tayo has a lot of nerve bringing his wife to that hospital especially when he knows you work there." Zainab stated, getting annoyed.

Akudo sighed,"I don't even want to talk about it. What can I offer you?" She said and got up from her seat to avoid the discussion and Zainab followed her immediately, grabbing her bag as she went.

Her sitting room was huge and a stepdown. Zainab left her bag on the couch and walked straight to the kitchen where the food was.

"I'm making garri to eat with the egusi soup." Zainab said and without waiting for a response, she responded "Thank you," before collecting the kettle from the stove and filling it with water while Akudo watched her.

Akudo gave both Zainab and Chigozie the liberty to use her things as if they were theirs and if one wasn't careful enough, they'd think they were siblings.

"Make enough for  three of us since Chigozie would be he-"

"Aku Aku." A soft feminine voice called which caught both ladies attention.

"Chigozie," Zainab said smiling,"I thought you were not going to come any more."

"Why won't she?" Akudo asked, smiling at her.

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