18- Premature

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Few weeks has passed since Nmachi arrived at Akudo's house and it has been almost a month already. Akudo wanted her to regain her sanity before making any move regarding her pregnancy and her in general.

Akudo noticed that Nmachi's baby bump was already more visible than it had been when she took her in and not just that, her appetite had grown larger.

Not that she was complaining, as a matter of fact, Akudo made sure there was always fruit, nuts and food readily available at Nmachi's disposal both cooked and raw.

Yet, Akudo wanted more for Nmachi especially after realizing how smart she was. Although she hadn't really discussed any of her plans with Nmachi before thinking of executing them as she was now, she hoped Nmachi would agree. Education is a must.

Today, Akudo decided that it was time to get Nmachi registered in her hospital for Antenatal care and Adult school which was being run by her friend Chigozie as normal day schools with students her age might not accept Nmachi as their student.

"Do you think she would succumb to this?" Chigozie asked Akudo as they were both discussing in Akudo's living room.

"Many pregnant women who are even married have often refused to continue schooling in the adult school nonetheless a pregnant, single teenager." Chigozie explained further as she had been called by her friend to help enroll Akudo into her adult school.

Akudo didn't want anything to come in the way of Nmachi's education, not even the pregnancy.

Most times when Akudo leaves for work, she would often return to either a weird food combination or more than half of an already made food, gone. It sometimes made her laugh as she hadn't had any pregnancy experience and was indirectly learning some from Nmachi.

And as for the Antenatal registration, Akudo knew just how much it would help Nmachi. Especially with the fact that she was going to see and be in the company of other pregnant ladies and share their stories too with the only difference being that she was going to be a single mother unlike others who were likely to be Married.

"But come to think of it, I thought village girls were the ones that were always used as examples whenever these city men wanted to go in search of wives?" Chigozie asked, her voice a little out of measure.

"So? She fell in love. She's 17 or more and has feelings too." Akudo said in Nmachi's defense. "Only uneducated men would think getting married to a village girl is the ultimate. If she were with me, I'd make sure she doesn't even think about that gender especially after all they've put me through." Akudo said with no form of remorse but hatred and bitterness laced thoroughly in her voice.

Chigozie sighed,"Akudo," she called her,"That the relationship between you and Tayo didn't workout doesn't mean it's the same with every man."

"What about the Chief? He was married with kids and still pretended to be single just to trap me." Akudo scoffed,"I don't blame him anyway. I blame myself for letting my mother talk me into spending my precious time with that excuse of a man."

"Since it's not the same with every man, what about Echezona? Nmachukwu's boyfriend. He's not even a man yet take a good look at the condition he left her in."

"He's just a young boy, although a wicked one but he's a student wit-"

"Student, my foot!" Akudo hissed in a malicious manner and looked away from Chigozie to the form she was holding in her hand.

"Hmmm," Chigozie paused,"And Dr. Ikedi?" She asked Akudo who turned swiftly to face her as her heart began a marathon in her chest almost causing her to hyperventilate because she didn't expect Chigozie to say his name.

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