34- Blood

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The news of Nmachi's return had spread round the village like wide fire round the village and caused people to troop into their premises.

Although the news went around with sideline gossip about how she fought her mother when they saw each other, some said they asked her to go back to wherever she came from. This increased the curiosity of most people who wasted no time in going to Nmachi's father's residence just to confirm what exactly they have heard and also start up their own trail of gossip.

Some of these people came expecting sad news or possible drama but when they saw Nwabuko with Nwabugwu strapped to her back as she made lunch with Nmachi and Akudo, while Ukokwe picked the leaves, they were dumbfounded.

Though the tension between Nmachi and her father was very much present, It was not noticeable by their visitors or rather by spies.

"Nwabuko, my sister!"Echezona's step mother exclaimed as she entered the kitchen area where the women were.

"Eeeh Nkechi!" Nwabuko greeted right back as her eyes found the woman. Nmachi stopped what she was doing to see the woman but Ukokwe cleared her throat so she could get Nmachi's attention.

Ukokwe mouthed at Nmachi to keep on with what she was doing and she obliged.

"I heard Nmachi is back, ah, may the gods be praised," Nkechi said with her hands open towards the heavens.

"Yes o, my daughter has returned and she is well."Nwabuko stated which made Nkechi feel guilty as they had been at loggerheads over how Echezona got Nmachi pregnant.

Nwabuko even went to her house whenever Echezona was back on holiday to ask him about her daughters whereabouts but he denied ever having anything to do with her.

"Eh, where is she?" The woman asked and Nwabuko pointes towards Nmachi who pretended not to have heard her.

Nkechi was surprised as to how beautiful and robust Nmachi looked,"Nma, you didn't even come to greet me or haven't you heard my voice?" She asked expecting Nmachi to come to her,

"Welcome, mama,"Nmachi said without even sparing her a glance, rather burying her gaze in the ogiri she was unwrapping. Akudo looked from Nmachi to the woman in confusion until it landed on Ukokwe who shook her head stopping Akudo from saying anything.

"Ehe, Eh. How about our child?" Nkechi asked and Nwabuko who still had a now sleeping Nwabugwu on her back turned to face the woman.

Nwabuko was getting annoyed but smiled Instead,"You mean my grandson? Oh, he's fine."

"Echezona's son,"

"He is not Echezona's son, he never was and is never going to be!" Nmachi hissed,"besides our tradition says that if a woman gives birth for a Man who has not paid her dowry, the child isn't his." Nmachi spat but Nkechi had more things to say.

"Echezona is at home, I'll tell him about his child,"She added with a sigh which caused Akudo to laugh.

"Oh, you're the mother of that good for nothing hypocrite?" Akudo asked a rhetorical question,"You think she didn't meet him, you think I didn't confront him about his child? Well, I did." She spat,"And he made his decision clear, he wants nothing to do with both mother and child."

"My son is better off without a man like Echezona to call a father,"Nmachi deadpanned and a shame rushed over Nkechi's face. She stood there staring at Nwabugwu who was fast asleep on Nwabuko's back and then at Nmachi as they all ignored her presence and made her seem invisible while they chatted away and laughed. It didn't take long before she turned around and left in silence.


Later that day, Nmachi was seated on a stool right in front of her father's hut with her back resting on the wall. She had lots of things going through her mind but the thought that surpasses the others was a confrontation with her dad which explains the reason why she is in front of his hut.

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