12- Proposal

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Akudo hadn't rested since the day she left Chief Chinedu the way she did. Her mind wasn't at ease. There were numerous letters from her mother but she dared not open them

There might have been other things her mother would want to tell her about but that didn't come across her mind.

She knew her mother too well to know that there would be nothing of such importance, but who goes weeks without writing  their parent? Akudo was more than ready to go a year if need be.

If only her mother hadn't forced -blackmailed- her into going on that date with Chief, all these wouldn't be going on especially with the findings she gathered about him.

How can her mother be so blind to the fact that he was already married and with kids? And he has been married twice. He has two wives and she was going to push her into becoming the third.

'God forbid,' she mumbled, snapping her fingers and jerking her shoulders.

"Nurse Akudo," Dr. Ikedi called her attention. Deep in her thoughts, she had forgotten that she was in his office to make a report on the patient in the emergency ward.

"Sa-Doctor," she stuttered

He raised a brow and lowered his glasses,"Is everything okay?" He asked her,"You seem lost." He noted and She unintentionally sighed.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking of what would have happened if we hadn't been fast enough to help them." She said referring to the patient but Dr. Ikedi knew her better than she thought.

"You don't seem okay. You can tell me anything, you know?" He said and ushered for her to sit but she shook her head.

She wondered how she was going to talk to him about what was disturbing her especially when he was making advances at her. "I'm fine, I just need to use the restroom." She said and walked out fast from his office to the nurses room which was at the far end of the hall and was usually very serene compared to other areas of the hospital as all the nurses were either in a ward or at the injection room while others, at the reception.

Upon entering into the restroom in the room, she shut the door and sighed. She needed the comforting silence of the room, away from the smell of vaccines and open wounds, away from the screaming in the theatre and the crying of those who just lost their loved one.

She was getting the comfort she yearned for and it was healing some parts of her that were out there. She felt like she had stayed long enough in the restroom as she might be sought after.

She gently held unto the wet, tiny bolt on the wooden door that was getting rusted and was slippery due to the water on it but when she was going to pull, she heard her name being called in such a malicious way.

"Akudo is stepping on my toes in this hospital." She heard a feminine voice say. Of course, it was a nurse there was no other person who would be in this room aside a nurse.

"I even thought she was older than him," another voice said,"I saw her with my own eyes eating out of Dr. Ikedi's plate few weeks ago and she was even feeding him like he was handicapped."

Akudo's mouth hung low at such a lie because she knew very well it was the other way round. There was no lying that she was older than him but she wasn't the one forcing herself on him.

"When was that?" The other nurse asked

"About two to three weeks ago." The other one replied and a loud exclamation was heard in the room.

"I made that food for him, rice and stew with assorted meats!" The other nurse shouted and Akudo bit her lower lip at the realization that Dr. Ikedi had lied to her about the food they both ate.

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