George's PoV - 4 years later
"I'm done with this!" Serenity had yelled at Fred and George. "I need to be in Gryffindor with you guys!"
"Well, the Hat has made mistakes before," George started.
"But, no one's ever been changed," Fred finished.
George slowly finished his homework, his thoughts elsewhere. They had a new Professor, Professor Lupin. He was the best teacher so far.
"Goodnight, guys," Serenity said before she slammed her book and left the library.
"Let's go to Dumbledore," said Fred.
"I'm glad we've got the same idea," replied George.
They ran to Dumbledore's office and said the password they'd heard a professor say earlier.
They barged in and told Dumbledore about Serenity.
"What do you want to do about this boys?" Professor Dumbledore asked the twins. "We were wondering if we," said George.
"Could have people sign a petition," said Fred. "And if we could get a number of people to sign it then Serenity could be put in Gryffindor." The boys said together.
"Well, I will allow you to do this, but you have to get five professors to sign and ten students to sign." said Dumbledore with a small smile on his face. The twins then looked at him and thanked him and left.
After the boys left they decided to start on the professors first. George looked at his twin and said, "We should start with Snape because he's the head of Slytherin."
"Ok that sounds good, and then we should ask McGonagall." said Fred. George then nodded to his brother and told him that he was going to ask Snape and that Fred should ask McGonagall. They both then split up and went looking for their teachers.
George went looking for Professor Snape and finally found him putting away potions. " Professor can I talk to you?" George asked scared of what his professor might say. "What do you need Mr. Weasley?" said Snape wanting George to spit it out.
"I was wondering if you would sign this petition to have Serenity Evans put in Gryffindor." Geoge told Snape hoping he would say yes. "Ok let me see the paper and I'll sign." George couldn't believe his ears. He got grumpy Professor Snape to say yes to something.
"Thank you so much professor." George told him jumping with glee. "You're welcome, now go."
George ran out of there to go ask another professor and some students to sign the petition.
Fred's PoV
Fred went and asked Professor McGonagall and she signed the other piece paper that he had for the petition. He also got five students, and two other professors to sign it as well. He was now looking for his brother, which was more difficult than he thought it would be.
But he finally found him. "How many signatures did you get?" Fred asked his brother. "I got two professors and five students to sign the petition." George said jumping with glee. "I got three professors and five students to sign it." Fred told his brother happily.
"Well lets go tell Professor Dumbledore." They said in unision.
They got into Dumbledore's office, walked up to him, and handed him the petitions. "Good job boys, I'll tell everyone at dinner tonight." Dumbledore told them.
"Thank you Professor." They said at the same time and then left.
George's PoV
It was finally dinner and he couldn't wait until Professor Dumbledore announced that Serenity would finally be where she belonged. He sat with all of his friends but had a seat open for Serenity.
"I have an announcement to make," Dumbledore said, "I'm having Serenity Evans transfered into the Gryffindor house." People gasped when they heard this. The students couldn't believe it. George understood why though, it's never happened before. But then George saw Dumbledore look at Serenity as an indication to go to the Gryffindor house table.
He saw her get up and walk over to him where she sat down right beside of him. Then Professor Dumbledore told everyone that they could eat and food appeared on the platters right in front of their eyes.
"Thank you guys for doing this for me." Serenity said looking at Fred and George. "That's what friends are for." They said at the same time. They then stopped talking and started to eat.
Then they all got up to go to their rooms. "Do you need help getting your stuff Serenity?" George asked her hoping she would say yes. "Yeah, that would be nice if you would help me get my things." Serenity said and smiled at him.
Then Charity came up and said, "I'm so glad Dumbledore put you in Gryffindor!" "I am too!" Serenity said to her sister. George and Serenity then said their goodbyes and went to go get her stuff.
When they walked into the Slytherin common room they got evil stares from everyone.
"What are you doing in here Evans." Pansy said at her while scowling at George. "I'm here to get my stuff." Then Pansy just huffed and walked away.
"Come on we'll go up and get my stuff and leave." She said to George.
So they went up and grabbed all of her stuff and carried it to the Gryffindor common room. They then put her stuff in the girls room where her bed would be.
Then they went back downstairs and heard Harry, Hermione, and Ron talking about something. "What are you guys talking about?" George asked them. "We're talking about the escaped prisoner Sirius Black." Hermione said to them quietly hoping that no one heard her.
"Why, we're safe here?" said Fred who just appeared. "Because Harry has a bad feeling that he works for "He Who Must Not Be Named." said Ron looking at his brother angerly because he was scared him.
"Well I think we should stop talking about him," said Serenity, "we are safe here and I doubt that he is working for the Dark Lord."
"So just go to bed and forget about it." said Charity coming from the girl's room.
They all said fine and they all went to their rooms and went to sleep.

The Weasley Twin's Love
FanfictionCharity and Serenity are the two secret daughters of Severus Snape and the late Lily Potter. They couldn't tell anyone who their parents were, or why they had the same last name as Harry's mother. Of course they got enrolled at Hogwarts. And, of cou...