Christmas Eve

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Charity's PoV

Today was Christmas Eve and Charity still didn't have anything for Fred. She already had gotten her sister a new potions book and George a few fireworks for playing pranks.

She then decided to ask Serenity about it. "Hey Serenity I have a question?" Charity said when she saw her sister sitting in the Gryffindor common room.

"What do you need sis?" Serenity asked. "I was wondering would help me pick out something to give to Fred for Christmas?" She asked Serenity.

"Yeah I'll help you." Serenity said smiling at her sister.

So they sat and talked and talked about what Charity should get Fred for christmas. She then decided to buy him a sling shot, because what prankster doesn't want a sling shot?

So Charity and her sister went to a store to go find a sling shot for him. Which they finally found one. Serenity had bought George a Gryffindor scarf that was embroirdered with the words,'I solomnly swear that I am up to no good.'


When they got back to the common room Charity wrapped Fred's present and put it under the tree. She hoped that Fred and George weren't watching. She then heard footsteps coming down from the boy's side of the stairs. It was Fred and George of course.

"Hey girls what are you doing?" asked George smiling at them. "Just wrapping last minute presents." Serenity said casually smiling back.

"Well what do you guys want to do today?" asked Fred. "Serenity and I were just going to hang out in here, but if you want to do something else we can." Charity told the boys.

"No that sounds good we can all just hang out here." said Fred and George smiling.

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