Serenity's PoV
"I fear you have a bit of a security problem." Harry told Snape. "I fear it's quite extensive."
The Order walked in and shock overcame Snape's face. Snape was about to duel Harry, but McGonagall stepped in. They slung hexes at each other until Snape retreated out the window. An eerie voice fell over the crowd and screams rang through the Great Hall. I caught very little as the voice shook through my body.
"Give me Harry Potter, and no one will be harmed."
Voldemort's voice stopped and Pansy pointed at Harry. "Take him!" I stepped in front of Harry and Ginny stood beside me. McGonagall ordered for Pansy and the rest of the underage wizards to be escorted out of Hogwarts through the Vanishing Cabinet. The older students helped her.
Harry began talking to McGonagall and he ran off to go find the last Horcrux.
Fred's PoV
The Battle had been going on for quite some time and Percy had joined me.
"Hello, Minister!" Percy yelled. "Have I mentioned I'm resigning?" He slung hexes at Death Eaters.
"You're joking! You're actually joking! I don't think I've heard you joke since-."
A jolt of energy collided with my body and the last thing I saw was a bright light.
George's PoV
I hexed a Death Eater that I was fighting. Serenity was right by me, dueling a Death Eater of her own. She took the masked figure down and moved on to mine. With our combined forces we easily took the Death Eater down.
"Wanna get married?" I asked loudly as we slung hexes.
"Not if that's how you ask me," Serenity responds.
Suddenly, Voldemort's voice rang out. I couldn't catch the first words, but the last were impossible to miss.
"Use this time to dispose of your dead. Give me Harry Potter and no more harm will come."
Serenity rushed to the Great Hall with me and we made our way over to my Dad. Who was he standing by? Was Mom hurt? No, she was there to. Percy was there, too. I made my way over to them and saw who they were standing over.
I could feel my world collapse. My brother -my twin brother- had been murdered at the hands of the enemy. Sobs forced their way through my body and I crumpled to the ground. I held his limp head in my hands and clung to him as I shook. "No!" I screamed. Serenity knelt beside me and put her arms around Fred and I.
Charity's PoV
I walked into the Great Hall beside Harry. I felt responsible for him. If everything goes well after this, he can live with us. I walked over to Molly and Fred's family and saw they were in tears. I pushed through the crowd of people and saw George sobbing over Fred's dead body.
"No," I said quietly.
I slowly knelt down and felt his cold body. Cuts covered his body and I knew he was gone.
"No!" I screamed. Not my husband! Of all the people the Death Eaters had to choose Fred. I knew it was selfish, but I didn't care. He was gone. Serenity held me as my breathing hitched and crying took over. My husband was dead. He was my life. My world. Now he's gone.
Serenity's PoV
There was a huge commotion outside and we all rushed out to find Death Eaters storming the castle. We all stumbled outside and met them. There was no way we were going out without a fight.
"Who's Hagrid carrying?" someone asked. Ginny pushed through the crowd, forcefully.
"Harry!" she shouted. She drew her wand, but her mother forcefully lowered her hand, whispering something to her quietly.
"Harry Potter is dead," Voldemort said with a laugh.
We all raised our wands and prepared for a battle. "Is there anyone who wants to join our ranks?" Voldemort asked.
Neville limped forward. "Harry might be dead. But, he isn't gone. Not in here." He unsheathed the sword of Gryffindor and charged Voldemort. Harry jumped down from Voldemort's arms and ran past him.
"Potter!" Draco yelled. He ran to Harry and threw him his wand.
Death Eaters ran at us and we began the real battle. There was immediate loss, but some Death Eaters began to apparate and we fought back. I saw Fenrir out of the corner of my eye and charged him. He was my kill.
He had already taken too much.
The freedom of everyone he bit.
I slung curses at him effortlessly while he tried to bite me once more. "Avada Kedavra!" I shouted as a shot of green light came from my wand. He fell gracelessly to the ground and I moved on.
As I looked for my next kill, I spotted a line of green light headed straight for my sister. "Stupefy!" I scream, but it's too late. I run to my Charity's unconscious body and cradle her. George is immediately by my side, pulling Charity and I away from the action.
George is struggling to pull me away from Charity's body. I continue trying to hold on to her, but George's grasp is too strong. I let go of her warm hand as George pulls me to safety. A scream pierced the air. No other scream than Voldemort's. I held onto George's arm as we took in everything that had happened. Voldemort was dead. We had won, but lost more than we'd even bargained for.

The Weasley Twin's Love
FanfictionCharity and Serenity are the two secret daughters of Severus Snape and the late Lily Potter. They couldn't tell anyone who their parents were, or why they had the same last name as Harry's mother. Of course they got enrolled at Hogwarts. And, of cou...