Serenity's PoV
Everyone always tells the story about how the sorting hat only made one mistake. Serenity had heard the story at least five times before she was sorted herself.
Serenity Snape was very familiar with the story, however. Her father told the story to them almost every night before her and her twin, Charity, went to sleep. He said that it was only six when he had been sorted into Slytherin. He had fallen in love with their mother, Lily Evans, and then the sorting hat had realized its mistake. He had belonged in Gryffindor with her.
Serenity shared many features with her father. She had long black hair and a hooked nose. But, her eyes were exactly like her mother's.
Serenity stood in between her sister Charity, who had features almost exactly like herself, and two red headed twins. One of the twins tapped on her shoulder.
"I'm Fred Weasley,"he said with a smirk.
"And I'm George Weasley," said the other twin, standing beside Fred.
"Hi, I'm Serenity and this is my sister, Charity,"she said with a smile.
Serenity did not say that her last name was Snape. Few people knew and her father intended to keep it that way. Dumbledore had been at their birth and their mom insisted that Minerva McGonnagal be the godmother. They were the only ones that knew.
All of the first years turned their attention to Professor McGonnagal as she placed an old hat on a stool. It did a funny little song and the sorting began. Serenity's thoughts were elsewhere until she heard the name Evans, Charity called. They had their mothers last name on the form.
The sorting hat had barely touched her head when it yelled,'Gryffindor!' The Weasley twins tapped her on the shoulder and whispered,"Let's hope it's the same for you, we're 99.9% sure we'll get in there," and pushed her up to the hat.
She sat on the stool and Professor McGonnagal placed the hat on her head. It hesitated for a moment before yelling, 'Slytherin!'
Serenity slowly made her way to the Slytherin table. This wasn't good. Her father was the head of Slytherin house. They would discover her there.
The Weasley twins had made it into Gryffindor with her sister. She needed to be there. Shortly after, a feast began and Serenity ate as much as she could. Then, she headed to her House.
Serenity most enjoyed the classes with the Gryffindors. Fred and George were always humorous when they were together.
Serenity had her first class with her dad today. Potions. Her mother and father were both very good in the subject, and luckily she inherited the skill. She had a perfect potion in five minutes flat.
She got up to give Snape her potion, but he looked down on her and said,"Disrupting the class are we? Detention, right after class."
He took her potion and she hurriedly walked back to her table and sat down quietly.
After class, Serenity walked up to Snape and saw that she was the only one in the room. Snape looked around and then bent down and gave her a hug. She hugged him back and sat down in a seat in front of his desk.
"So, Serenity, how has Hogwarts been?"
"Good, but my sister and my friends are all in Gryffindor."
"Er, about that..." Snape started. "The Sorting Hat seems to have made a mistake. You are supposed to be in Gryffindor. Don't tell anyone."
Snape lead her out of his office, and she returned, alone, to her House.

The Weasley Twin's Love
FanficCharity and Serenity are the two secret daughters of Severus Snape and the late Lily Potter. They couldn't tell anyone who their parents were, or why they had the same last name as Harry's mother. Of course they got enrolled at Hogwarts. And, of cou...