Charity's PoV
Let's just say that staying with Dad wasn't as glamorous as it was before. He was bitter. It seemed that he didn't care about me, he just needed to get back Serenity. I had been staying alone for most of the summer. School was to start in two weeks and here I was, alone. No one had come to visit me or even owled me. My own sister hadn't checked up on me.
I was in my room for most of the days I spent with Dad. He had no idea how to care for a child, let alone a teenage one. I missed the days I spent with Fred, who hadn't called me either. The one person to visit me has been Dumbledore. He may not care for me, but he knows how Dad is.
I honestly missed my sister, and will stop at nothing to get her back.
Serenity's PoV
There are a few days left until I go to live with Sirius. Living with McGonagall has been grand. She's taught me etiquette, how to cook, and how to cast quite a few more spells. She is the one person at Hogwarts that I would honestly go back for. She is basically my mother figure at this point.
But, now it's time to move in with Sirius. I'm excited. I've always looked up to him. I've seen him at Order meetings and heard about him back in fifth year. Then, in sixth year, Harry told me about how he truly was a good guy and it was really Peter who killed our parents. I loved him like a father.
Harry hasn't really talked about him recently.
I walked down to talk to McGonagall, but she wasn't alone. Remus Lupin and Mad-Eye Moody were there as well. McGonagall motioned to a seat, so I carefully pulled one out and sat down.
"As you know, you are supposed to be going to live with Sirius at the beginning of next week," Remus begins.
"Yes," I reply.
"Well, dear, I'm afraid that there has been a situation," McGonagall said carefully.
"What do you mean?" I questioned."I'm afraid Sirius died at the end of term last year," Lupin croaked.
"You're joking," I muttered. "You're lying to me."
"I'm afraid not. And with one of our best men down," Moody started. Remus subtly wiped away a tear. "You-Know-Who is not a threat to be ignored. You aren't safe anymore."
"Sirius Black is dead?" I choked out.There was silence before Moody gave a curt nod. Remus was trying to hold back tears and McGonagall was crying silently.
"I taught the boy. All four of you," she said, turning to Lupin. He laid his hand atop of hers.
"The point is, you, Charity, and Harry are all in danger. Voldemort has to kill you three to 'live forever' he thinks. So, now we're moving you in with Remus. When the week is over, you will be moved back in with the Weasleys'. Understood?" Mad-Eye asked.
"Yes, sir," I said weakly. Sirius was dead and no one told me for an entire holiday. No one thought that I would care that my guardian and role model was dead.Lupin looked me in the eye. "I'm sorry we didn't tell you about Sirius. We couldn't have it as one of your weak points when Voldemort was at his prime."
"I understand," I lied. He was like a father to me.
"Be ready by 5 sharp tomorrow," Moody said gruffly before apparating out.
"He's a real joy," Lupin mumbled.
"He seemed a little moody to me," I remarked.
Remus sighed loudly and then dissapparated.
"Good one," McGonagall said solemnly.

The Weasley Twin's Love
FanfictionCharity and Serenity are the two secret daughters of Severus Snape and the late Lily Potter. They couldn't tell anyone who their parents were, or why they had the same last name as Harry's mother. Of course they got enrolled at Hogwarts. And, of cou...